
Police attacked protestors in Hledan, Yangon. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb26Coup #MilkTeaAlliance #MyanmarPoliceBrutality
The young man who got shot in the head being carried to an ambulance on a wooden cart by protestors and medics, while junta forces continue to target them. #EndImpunity #Feb20Coup #SaveMyanmar #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Don't lose focus. A better future is possible. #EndSARS #EndBadGoveranceInNigeria
Call for an International protest for Myanmar on February 28th, 2021. #OpCCP #MilkTeaAlliance #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
The military has been arresting people after dark, please keep a record of locations and names to assure accountability. Information regarding arrests by the military in #Myanmar is being collected and shared by @aapp_burma. #Myanmarprotests #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb11Coup…
"Tanks" are being driven throughout Yangon creating fear. This is psychological intimidation by the coup government to threaten civilians. If there is an internet cut off do not stop organizing and documenting everything in the interim. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb14Coup
Are your apps, settings, or text suddenly in Mandarin or other Chinese dialects? If yes, which apps or services are they? and are you able to change them back? Let us know in the comments below. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb16Coup #Myanmar
Journalist Sit Htet Aung snapped a photo as a violent police officer ran to attack him. Luckily he got away. #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #Feb26Coup
Junta loyalists gathered today in a staged protest in support of the coup d'état. They proceeded to attack pro-democracy protestors, journalists, and random pedestrians with rocks and knives. Police stood by allowing the violence. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb25Coup
The heroic DJ Switch and others helped protesters shot at the Lekki toll gate. She documented important evidence about the attack including the name of the attackers' commanding officer. DJ Switch must be protected. Follow her on insta at djswitch_. #EndSARS
Protests across #Myanmar against military coup. People are not giving up despite police violence and intimidation by the junta. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #CDM #Feb12Coup
Arbitrary arrests against civil society continue across #Myanmar after dark. People are organizing neighborhood watches & a pot banging alert system to counter night raids and alert victims. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb12Coup…
Clear photos of the coup soldier (with facemask pulled down) who shot at civilians in Mandalay, killing at least two and injuring several others. #Feb20Coup #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #SaveMyanmar
Coup government forces crackdown on Myanmar Railways department workers who were involved in pro-democracy protests. According to witnesses police set fire to the workers housing compound, fired tear gas, and at least 40 gunshots. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb17Coup
Myanmar’s Junta removes legal protections for civilians. 1) can arrest anyone, without warrants 2) can detain people more than 24 hrs 3) can spy on people, without warrants 4) can gather info from telecom operators #whatishappendinginmyanmar Report:…
Plain clothes police and military wilding iron rods savagely beat unarmed protestors in Monwya. #Feb27Coup #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar
Address the nation @MBuhari, resign, and face justice whether national or international. Coward. #EndImpunity #LekkiMassacre #EndSARS
The Myanmar coup government pardoned over 20,000 prisoners, allegedly mostly radical nationalists, and released them into the streets. For several nights thugs have been sabotaging parts of #Yangon and #Mandalay in order to create a state of emergency. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
The UN stood by as Myanmar military genocided Rohingya (backed by Russia & China's veto), it created the largest refugee crisis in the region. Do not make the same mistake twice, the junta has no legitimacy. @UN @ASEAN #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar3Coup
If the increasing reports of the number of #EndSARS protestors killed at Lekki toll gate by Nigerian security forces are confirmed, this will be designated a massacre.
Anonymous has been supporting Myanmar since 2014 through #OpRohingya and #OpKachin […]. We are closely monitoring for human rights violations and the implementation of the so-called cybersecurity law. #MilkTeaAlliance #Feb11Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Protestors in Myanmar hold a vigil in front of the US embassy in Yangon for those murdered by the coup government. #SaveMyanmar #EndImpunity #Feb21Coup #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar
Coup government forces terrorized residential areas overnight in the ongoing attempt to intimidate pro-democracy protestors and communities. #SaveMyanmar #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #Feb21Coup