
There is no future with Modi or BJP. Support #FarmersProtest.
Indian fascists with nazi views that make up @narendramodi's support base burned images of @GretaThunberg. The fascists are enraged Greta tweeted support for the #FarmersProtest. The incompetent Dehli police have also opened a case against Greta. Report:…
At least 19 people were shot & burned during the Tamaulipas massacre, at least 5 victims have been identified as Guatemalan, 2 Mexican, and the rest currently unknown. Families in Guatemala have been providing DNA samples to help ID remaining victims.
Mexican authorities arrested 12 police officers, involved in the massacre that took place near the U.S.-Mexico border in Tamaulipas. Some of the arrested belong to an elite special ops group (GOPES) trained & vetted by the United States. Report:…
Anti-capitalism visualized. (2021, technicolor.)
Hi, @TwitterSupport your report system has been misused by the Myanmar dictatorship and its supporters to target @OpRohingya. Please reverse the suspension. @OpRohingya is dedicated to covering the Rohingya genocide, human rights resources, and amplifying Rohingya voices.
US will also freeze arms sales to Saudi Arabia, and name a special envoy to Yemen. Biden’s director of national intelligence, Avril Haines, pledged to produce a declassified account of Khashoggi’s killing, which will incriminate Saudi crown prince MBS.…
The US has announced an end to its support for Saudi-led offensive operations in Yemen, citing the role the bombing campaign has had in creating the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. A major blow by the Biden admin to MBS a staunch Trump ally. Report:…
Canada Lists the U.S. terrorist organization the Proud Boys as a terrorist group, alongside ISIS And Al-Qaida. Other terrorist groups added to the list today are the Atomwaffen Division, the Base, and Russian Imperial Movement. Report:…
18-year-old YouTuber Fedor Khudokormov suffered a cranial injury and concussion after being attacked by riot police in Moscow, Russia while wearing a press jacket. #RussiaProtests
In case you are wondering what happens to detained Russians.…
The Kremlin arrested at least 1,400 people after sentencing @navalny to prison, beating many with batons. Kremlin declared police violence is justified. At least 10,000 have been arrested across Russia for protesting against Putin and organized crime in government. #EndImpunity
The government of India’s Prime Minister @narendramodi is presiding over a dangerous regression in free speech rights in pursuit of its Hindu nationalist agenda. #Modi should step down. There is no future with him. #FarmersProtest Report:…
If you keep hearing that Navalny is a 'bad guy' or 'there is no genocide of Uyghurs' you are in the middle of a Kremlin or CCP propaganda echo-chamber. #Russia #China Learn how to avoid the BS and break away from Kremlin or CCP influence campaigns:…
#Russia opposition leader @navalny has been sentenced to 3.5 years in prison for 'violating probation'. The ruling comes after Navalny survived a Kremlin assassination attempt; exposed Vladimir Putin's extensive criminal network and theft that crippled the country economically.
Woman dances to "Ampun Bang Jago" while Myanmar coup d'etat unfolds in the background - top that 2021.
Police in Rochester, NY handcuffed and pepper sprayed a distraught 9-year-old black girl pleading for her dad. At one point, an officer said, “You’re acting like a child.” She responded, “I am a child.” Report:…
According to users they are taking #AMC to the moon and holding #GME, #NOK, and others today. Weekend updates: - #DOGE still climbing - #silversqueeze called a trap; triggers controversy - hedge fund bot army activated to manipulate - Melvin Capital hedge fund lost 53%, $4.5bn
Let's talk about the billions of dollars funneled off to Putin and friends from innocent Russian taxpayers, the Kremlin's war crimes in Syria & Ukraine, its crimes against humanity domestically, and the endless assassinations of journalists & dissidents.…
Today the Kremlin has detained at least 4,567 people across Russia in 86 cities. The protests are against Putin, organized crime in government, and call for the liberation of @navalny + others. (📹@OvdInfo) #RussiaProtests
Batman was detained in Moscow, amid anti-Putin / anti-organized crime protests. #RussiaProtests
A lone protestor picketing against Putin and organized crime on Mt. Elbrus, #Russia. He calls on the Kremlin to release Navalny. (📹@teamnavalny)
Thousands of anti-Putin / anti-organized crime protestors shout "down with the tsar!" in St. Petersburg, #Russia. (📹@teamnavalny_spb)
Anti-Putin / anti-organized crime protests taking place across Russia for the second weekend in a row. Protestors call on Putin to step down and to free Navalny along with other political prisoners. #endimpunity…
Speaking of MBS... Can we take a moment to remember that he's linked to the Jeffrey Epstein child rape trafficking network; was a prominent Trump / Putin collaborator that not only murdered a U.S. journalist but also helped Trump launder millions while enjoying immunity?