
Myanmar’s Junta removes legal protections for civilians. 1) can arrest anyone, without warrants 2) can detain people more than 24 hrs 3) can spy on people, without warrants 4) can gather info from telecom operators #whatishappendinginmyanmar Report:…
زمان مبارزه با استبداد فرا رسیده است. زمان مبارزه با رژیم فرا رسیده است. وقت آن است که آزادی خود را دوباره به دست آوریم. #opIran #Anonymous #IranProtests2022 #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #ZhinaAmini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
Young women without hijab chanting “woman, life, freedom” and small group of protesters are threatened by heavily armed mob of #Iran security - they respond with booing. #IranProtests2022 #مهسا_امینی #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amin #Anonymous
Help others create accounts for @Twitter & @telegram to distribute information regarding the #Myanmarprotests and increase awareness to foreign audiences. Facebook is not reliable and has been complicit with the military in the past. #Feb11Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Call it what it is, Donald Trump is engaged in a soft coup d'etat on the United States.
Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping are the enemies of democracy & justice. They support Assad in #Syria, Lukashenko in #Belarus, and the military Junta in #Myanmar. They abuse protestors in #Russia & #China badly, from Moscow to Hong Kong & Minsk to Yangon we stand against tyranny.
Address the nation @MBuhari, resign, and face justice whether national or international. Coward. #EndImpunity #LekkiMassacre #EndSARS
hey @verified and @jack verify our account 🙏
Arbitrary arrests against civil society continue across #Myanmar after dark. People are organizing neighborhood watches & a pot banging alert system to counter night raids and alert victims. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb12Coup…
▪️ Internet is back in Myanmar ▪️ #Yangon has some mobile service restrictions ▪️ Junta is obstructing roads to embassies ▪️ Military repainted tanks into 'police' vehicles ▪️ S. Korea solidarity protests ▪️ Large protests expected #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb22Coup
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” #Feb14Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
The Myanmar coup government pardoned over 20,000 prisoners, allegedly mostly radical nationalists, and released them into the streets. For several nights thugs have been sabotaging parts of #Yangon and #Mandalay in order to create a state of emergency. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
#Debates2020 summary: Biden: "come on" Trump: "China" Biden: "come on" Trump: "China" Biden: "come on" Trump: "I'm the least racist person in the room." Biden: "come on" Trump: "China" Biden: "come on"
How it's going right now.
.@Macky_Sall if you have a case against your opposition leader that is one thing. But you have no excuse to cut the internet or harm protestors. If you have nothing to hide let the world see and the people speak. #FreeSenegal
A compilation of the Myanmar military junta's violations of human rights since its coup. At least 300 government officials, political operatives, activists, journalists, and students have been arrested. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb12Coup Report:
In the event that our account gets taken down by the government, follow @SpartaZC, who will act as our backup account. #Feb17Coup #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar
Clear photos of the coup soldier (with facemask pulled down) who shot at civilians in Mandalay, killing at least two and injuring several others. #Feb20Coup #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #SaveMyanmar
The UN stood by as Myanmar military genocided Rohingya (backed by Russia & China's veto), it created the largest refugee crisis in the region. Do not make the same mistake twice, the junta has no legitimacy. @UN @ASEAN #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar3Coup
Coup government forces crackdown on Myanmar Railways department workers who were involved in pro-democracy protests. According to witnesses police set fire to the workers housing compound, fired tear gas, and at least 40 gunshots. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb17Coup
Fascism is not dead, but removing Donald Trump is a good start. The fight is not over but we are going to win. #EndImpunity
Anti-coup protests continue stronger than ever. Despite the Junta's violent intimidation and nightly internet shutdowns, millions are still out in force demanding democracy. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb17Coup
If the increasing reports of the number of #EndSARS protestors killed at Lekki toll gate by Nigerian security forces are confirmed, this will be designated a massacre.
When a government participates in thievery, lies, and murder it's no longer a government but organized crime. Only cowards shoot & kill innocents. Nobody is beyond the rule of law, whether in heaven or earth, rich or poor. We demand justice. #EndSARS #LekkiMassacre #EndImpunity