
a traditional commission for fencer :D haven't drawn with a pencil i think since i stopped drawing carciphona pages traditionally like 2 years ago LOL, my hand almost couldn't remember what to do
ok almost a year later I've finally prepped everything (maybe) so carciphona updates will resume this sunday!! check or webtoons/tapas for pages 1-6 of volume 8 :D thanks for waiting for so long, I hope you'll all enjoy what's to come!!
#AmongstUsComic 43 🏀 almost 1 year later i'm finally back at this scene inb4 people worry: this is a slice of life/comedy so there won't be any weird drama or triangles, please sleep in peace :')
a fairy design from back when they first appeared in Carciphona and I was figuring out what kind of aesthetic I wanted to give this race
⚔️ C A R C I P H O N A ⚔️ volume 7 is going to print!! -------------------------------------- help bring this next volume of my fantasy/drama webcomic to life at… !!
I keep forgetting to promote my store my books so!! Did you know!! I sell printed books of my comics and art!! ✨ All my comics are free to read and this is how that’s possible, so if you would like to help me keep going, you can get some copies here :D
a track I made like 10 years ago that I attached to my comic Carciphona 🎵 I wish I had time to make new music :') search my name and the song title on spotify for the full track
the way i see entitled complaints about art shortcuts is this: either buy a $3 tv dinner and revel in how delicious it was, or spend $ + time to make a meal from scratch. ppl who complain about artists taking shortcuts want to guilt trip organic from the chef while paying $0
STORE UPDATE + HOLIDAY SALE @ my shop ✨ ✨ - AMONGST US book 1 is finally here!! - 9 new sweet & saucy posters - Free shipping to USA plus some other... weird stuff, check the store for details :D thanks for looking!