Paladins: The Game(@PaladinsGame)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

In our next Update, we'll be removing Killcam & Top Play to help squash dozens of bugs related to these systems. Read today's Dev Blog where @EvilMojoAdanas touches on the reasoning behind their removal and what's coming in their place! 📖
Calling all Champions! Do you know what these hieroglyphs mean? We Sphinx you might want to tune in to our update show on Wednesday to find out more!
When she speaks, those around her have no choice but to listen - for she is the voice of the gods. With many great deeds to be done and countless enemies to vanquish, our beloved priestess is immune to the sands of time. ⏳
Bound by power held in the sarcophagi of our ancestors, their endless legions have protected our most precious treasures for centuries. Many try to defeat them for riches, but all are laid to rest who dare disturb the guardians made of bone.🦴