They weaponize lies to keep me in here.
But you cannot hide the sun forever.
@SuspiciousNews I dont think jokes about my death are very funny.
Especially with enemies like mine.
You should be careful the negativity you put into the universe, negativity sticks to anybody who spreads it. ♥️
@Thecobraandrea I actually do not eat pork anymore. Avoided it even in jail, where 80% of the meat was pork. Went without protein.
My pizza had tomatoes on it. Not pork of any kind.
And I only ate one slice for the video.
Let them hate. Let them.
We remain invincible.
There is a psychological barrier preventing you from achieving things the FIRST time.
But achieved ONCE, there is little doubt that you could do it AGAIN.
After the first time I knocked someone out, I knocked everybody out.
I didn’t hit any harder.
I just believed I could.
“That Day, you will be exhibited [for judgement]; not hidden among you is anything concealed.”
Surah Haqqah Ayat 18
I know as a matter of historical fact that META and Youtube had a data team analyzing the social media landscape in real-time to gauge response to my ban.
They deleted me so I couldn’t defend myself, then lied about me HARD with the Matrix press, in an attempt to convince the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
I do not box with shadows
As I am in a cell with no light.
In pitch black I fight against phantoms and specters
I fight against deceptions and lies
I have been bruised, I have been cut.
But I have not lost.
Derive happiness from your achievements, it lasts much longer and costs less e.g. gym gains.
Dopamine BS. Booze. Cigarettes. Fast food etc.
Is expensive and very temporary.
Not to mention quick "happiness" is nearly always bad for you.
Pay for satisfaction with hard work.
This is why you can not think negatively.
Ever. twitter.com/Cobratate/stat…
My case is not criminal, it's political.
It's not about justice or fairness.
It's about attacking my influence on the world. twitter.com/CensoredMen/st…
Everybody who is pro degeneracy is also pro vaccine.
Vaccine = degenerate.
My unmatched perspicacity, coupled with sheer indefatigability makes me a FEARED OPPONENT IN ANY REALM OF HUMAN ENDEAVOUR
What do all successful people have in common?
Watch the full interview:
Your life isn’t a life.
At some point you gave up looking for something real.
I will buy some more bitcoin today.
Im diamond hands along with you brother. twitter.com/saylor/status/…
Jack had a chance to do what Elons doing, free information is a free world.
But he wasnt brave enough.
Now that he has no control over anything, he wants to pretend he was/is one of the good guys.
When it was your time to resist slavery, you failed.
Nobody believes you have… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Those who hoard money never enjoy life.
Savers live boring lives. You only live once.
I will emerge from jail a better person.
But a better person needs better people.
My closest team may be enjoying freedom
But the burden to increase in diligence, competence and professionalism is shared by us all.
“And every soul will come, with it a driver and a witness.”
Surah Qaf Ayat 21
Your life reflects what you prioritize.
This is a reason why physical stature helps in every realm of human endeavor, even business.
You’re going to ask for a million dollars, and you aren’t even disciplined enough to do some push-ups?
Deprivation of Liberty without charge or trial is the strictest legal punishment available to any state.
Outside of death.
Walk through earth with force inside of you
Watch the full interview:
The primary objective of the largely promoted “entertainment” is to inject poison into the minds of the population.
Why else would such garbage even exist?
Pay attention and you’ll notice it's not funny. It doesn’t even entertain.
You’ve been programmed to consume regardless.