Andrew Tate(@Cobratate)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Most people in Jail have no money and nobody on the outside Each week I buy the maximum amount of commissary allowed by law And distribute it amongst the poor
What are the steps to becoming a Top G? Watch the full interview:
Creative problem-solving comes from stress and urgent need The most powerful inventions of mankind were developed in times of War Your brain is soft because you never NEEDED it to perform Self-inflict stress if required. Diamonds are made under pressure
Thank you, Anamaria Prodan, for standing up for justice. Full article here:
Never become comfortable with losing. Never become good at it. ALWAYS ask to fight again.
As a man - when things are not the way you want them to be - the natural result is anger. Society trains this out of men. Or society cannot function. Keep the anger - learn some self control - and focus effectively. Unlimited motivation awaits.
The lines between sad and happy are self-defined. In the neverending grey, only you decide the deciding line between LIGHT and DARK. I have set my line to the very bottom. Unless I am DEVASTATED (twice lifetime event) I am somewhere in the happy zone. I am always happy.
My body is in jail. But my mind is not in jail. Do you understand?
The Truth: You do not have time to waste today. Do not fail.
They don’t want you to be happy Watch the full
I saw my reflection today and I barely recognized myself A long beard, a full head of hair and the stresses of battle show on my face But then I looked into my eyes And recognized myself completely They cannot break me.
"Oscar-winning performance", CCTV of the girls coming and going, "victims" saying they arent victims This is less than 5% of the evidence we are showing to prove we are innocent But the court keeps putting us back in Jail How can this happen in a fair justice system of the EU?
When you lie you make a very powerful enemy God.
The true mark of a warrior is to live for something bigger than yourself. Absolute selfishness is the fundamental state of the modern-day coward. Since the dawn of time, men of merit have risked their own interests for a greater cause.
Hedonism and pleasure is a black hole. Watch the full interview:
"I have never cared very much for personal prizes. A person does not become a freedom fighter in the hope of winning awards.”
I've cooperated fully in every way. Done everything they asked of me. I have 500 pieces of video, photo and other evidence proving my innocence. But I am still in jail. What does Romania want from me?
Always winning isn't the point of God's battles. The point of God's battles is so you can show him the strength of your heart when you lose @jakepaul
They weaponize lies to keep me in here. But you cannot hide the sun forever.
They cannot keep me in this cell forever. My enemies’ lies are crumbling. This is your time to play catch up. Whatever situation you are in, I want to let you know one thing is certain. It is possible. Get to work.
You’ve never even TRIED, Imagine how much harder some men would work if it was possible. The amount of work ethic inspired by witnessing a man train his arms to move so hard and fast that he could fly. There is power in knowing something is possible.
I was put on this earth by God himself to show you what is possible. You are not meant to be a slave. I was poorer than you, I was raised in a council estate by a single mother. I made it out. I conquered the internet. I became The Top G.
How many of you have genuinely tried to fly? GENUINELY. How many of you have researched, trained, and truly TRIED to fly? NONE OF YOU. Why? Because you think it’s impossible. You’ve never pushed yourself because you believe the goal can never be achieved.
I've been in jail for 61 days But not allowed a single visit. Not even from my children…