Andrew Tate(@Cobratate)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

You get to choose whether you're a main character, a secondary one or an NPC. You get to CHOOSE. You decide with the daily actions you take. You decide with how you spend your time.
The absolute best thing about being a man is you’re born worth nothing and can CHOOSE what you want to be. You build your own character. You can choose to be rich smart wise and brave. You can choose to be a superhero. You can choose to impact the world and leave a mark.
Friday. InshaAllah
Everybody wants the same things. Those who have them, deserve them. They suffered the burden of wanting them more than everybody else. They simply wanted it more.
Escape is possible. I simply close my eyes.
I’ve always been a lifelong student Watch the full
Some attacks are overwhelmingly powerful. They cannot be blocked without significant damage. The only solution is to move. Like water, Stones break.
You can achieve your dreams. But you need to regain your hope. I am here to show you, It is possible. I will be freed from this jail cell.
You'd never not give it your full effort. The only reason you do not try. Is because you do not believe it is possible. You do not have hope. I am from a council estate in Luton. My achievements are a result of my unlimited work ethic.
Most of you do not try at life. Because you have lost hope. Most of you do not even know you have lost it. If you truly had hope you could be a multi-millionaire within a few years. You would never waste a single day, You'd never not have motivation.
Each night I dream of freedom And then I open my eyes And I'm in the same familiar jail cell. I take a few minutes to swallow my disappointment and begin my morning push-ups. Maybe tomorrow, I'll wake up somewhere else. I have not lost hope.
Losing hope is fatal. Hope is a requirement for success and eventuality. My whole life was built on hope. You do not become a 4x World Champion without it. You cannot put yourself through the training required. Through sacrifices and pain.
In a bid to save their lives I told a story to some would-be assailants I discouraged them for their own safety They told me I had lost my mind I've lived a life of pain and loss There are times I've lost nearly everything But never my mind
Imagine a professional version of yourself You get rid of all the clutter in your brain. You are fast, organized and systemized. You stop doing things you know are a waste of time. Imagine what that man accomplishes in ONE YEAR.
In the eyes of the grandmaster The only things that matter are the current position And the time on the clock.
"Courage is not the absence of fear — it’s inspiring others to move beyond it.”
How to detach yourself from your emotions Watch the full interview:
What did you do yesterday? Think. Every second was spent. Was it purposeful? How much time did you waste on garbage?
Today I lost 30% of my calories to insects. Tomorrow the battle begins again.…
“I struggle with motivation” Ok, then stay a loser? Goodbye.
Doubt was all around me. But I never once adopted it. The destruction of doubt is one of the many secrets of Wudan. I became a master 2,973 years ago. You must train and become the same.
It aims to engulf and constrict your mind cutting off your ability to perceive the light. Many of you reading this, have doubts. Doubt you can become great. Doubt of what is actually possible for you to achieve. But you need to destroy it.
Doubt is not your ally. It is a poison that spreads, You must get rid of it absolutely. I am from government housing, I'm from the bottom of the socio-economic ladder. I achieved all my successes despite every statistic saying I would fail.
Much like life, prison is a battle against doubt. Every one of you is fighting the same fight. It's a battle that must be fought and won in order to reach the peaks of greatness. Doubt is insidious and creeping Thick and poisonous