Andrew Tate(@Cobratate)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

I been too damn good for too damn long.
@elonmusk @Apoctoz They dont have better NPCs
Imagine living in Chicago on purpose. BY CHOICE. Seriously, imagine being a full grown adult. And waking up in fucking CHICAGO. Looking at the entire globe, then looking around you at the shithole you reside in. And saying "Yes. I want to live here :)" 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Your mind can be freed more than once.
@HassanShibly @TheDeenShow @Tam_Khan Loved what you said about growth through our trials. 100%
Allah requires your tolerance to show dignity and kindness. Yet, Shaytan requires your tolerance for wickedness to take place. Study hard. Reflect. Listen to those you respect. Evil will try to abuse everything good about you, but you must remain good. Do you understand?
It is not praiseworthy to dilute your deen. 🙏🏼 ☪️ 🕌
@Itsdeszert It is not praise worthy to dilute your deen. ☪️
Your brain is hooked on what the Matrix has been force feeding you for years. Pay attention. It doesn’t even feel good anymore.
I write everything myself. Chat SMD.
@elonmusk Twitter is the media now Elon. The old Matrix controlled mechanisms are failing in real time. The slavery they dream of is being exposed in REAL TIME. Your decision to buy this platform was more important for the longevity of the human race than Space X.
Keith never returned to school. His friend stopped taking the bus. In all my years of school, I never had to break another lunch box. My dad never ever saved me from anything. He sent me to fight. Alone RIP Emory Tate
“I’ll buy you as many of these as you need, son” We went home. A normal evening. But I was too scared to sleep. The next day I sat at the back of the bus. Ready to swing. To fight. Both of them. Head on. But the kids didn’t come. But I never saw those kids again.
He turned around when I came in and saw the broken lunch box… He stood up and said. “Get in the car”. The ride was silent. He didn’t ask me what happened. He took me to Walmart and asked me to pick a new one. I picked the same one I had before.
I remember his screams. And the look of pure horror on his friend’s face. I sprinted and ran straight off the bus. The cut was deep. The blood thick. He will be scared for life to this day. I ran so fast I didn’t notice that my lunch box had actually shattered.
When I got back I held a handle and a piece of shattered plastic. Barely resembling the square it was My dad was in the same place as was when I left Lotus position Still playing himself at chess He would play himself for hours and hours. Trying to defeat his own mind.
I sat in silence. Stinging face A few mins later at my stop - I stood and swung my plastic Batman lunchbox as hard as I could I caught the kid right above his eye. Keith was his name And like a boxer’s cut from a prize fight His eyelid began squirting blood all over the bus
That afternoon on the ride home they started as usual. Pulling my backpack from behind and calling me names. I sat there and didn’t say anything. Hoping they’d stop. 10min in one slapped me on the side of my face. I remember the sting to this day. And my ear was ringing.
When I was 8 years old. A couple of 10-year-olds used to bully me on the school bus. One day I started crying to my dad saying I didn’t want to get the bus. I told him why. He sat, drinking whiskey and playing chess at 9 am. Didn’t even look at me cry. He replied…
“Your lunch box is sharp son. Go to school” I was too afraid not to listen to my father. So I obeyed He didn’t give sympathy. Didn’t even seem to care. Didn’t show remorse. Didn’t ask the kids’ names. Nothing. It was here I realized no one was going to save me. It was up to me
harder di bakkle sweeta di victree