Andrew Tate(@Cobratate)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Honor. Dignity. Destiny. The Matrix takes all of the things that are most important to you and trivializes them. It’s important you do not believe in the things which matter - so they can occupy you with the things which don’t.
Any woman who isnt helping me be a super hero is wasting both her and my potential.
Oh? They injected you with poison which altered your DNA? Oh... because the TV said so? Oh thats great. You are welcome to your decisions, but i will not fornicate with the genetically inferior. Say no to Vaxihoes.…
@Art0fLife_ Thank you for today
Listen to Grandma
I believe men are personally responsible for their actions and for the results they achieve in their lives Tenet 14…
I can no longer escape my nightmares. They come to me while I’m awake. I don’t believe in panic. But I do believe in attacks. Truthfully, it’s all I’ve ever known.…
I love my fan mail. Anyone who makes videos dedicated to me has a very strong possibility of getting flooded with money. #ilovetopg on TikTok, tag me on Twitter. My team will watch every single video. <3…
There is one team. The Tate team. You’re on my team or you are LOSING. Pick a side.
I have suffered endlessly by God’s grace to be crowned undisputed king. And I can name 25 online losers who want to be but never will, because they cannot and will not suffer. Weak arrogant clowns.
They don’t work like me. They have no network like mine. Mindset fitness money, any of it - I surpass every individual on the planet and ANYONE who says otherwise is lying to themselves and lying to you. The internet is mine. The world is mine.
I’ve been rich forever I DO NOT NEED MONEY I NEED SOLDIERS WHO ARE RICH STRONG AND MENTALLY CAPABLE. THAT’S WHY nobody can compete with us. Everybody on the internet teaching anything, EVERY SINGLE ONE, is a scammer besides me. There is nothing they know I do not know.
We teach you how to make money in The Real World. We teach mindset inside of The Real World. We teach fitness inside of The Real World. We teach you everything you need to win life, for less than the price of lunch. We do it to SAVE THE WORLD not because we need money.
We teach real things. Our students become richer, stronger, faster. ENDLESS WINNING. Me and over 100 partners work every day to FORCE our students to succeed. Our students make money. That’s why they renew. That cannot be copied by an amateur.
If I’m not too good for work, why are they? Arrogant scamming scumbags. Many of them tried to recreate my magic then realized it’s endless work. It is hard to give 100s of thousands of students so much value that they renew their subscriptions every month.
They don’t know what it’s like to live in hard times. They’ve never struggled. They tried to clone and copy Hustler’s University. They do not understand we have over 100 staff and team members working 16 hours a day every day. I AM WORKING 16 HOURS A DAY. ME, TATE.
They come from easy money and they’re allergic to work. Everyone around them is allergic to work due to childish egos. So they sell you a product that they won’t work on, and they hire some uninterested Indian to deliver it to you. It’s a scam.
WHILE training to become a world champion. I DID NOT SLEEP. I remember the 2008 crisis, I know what hard times are like. There are many copycats of me out there. They try to mimic my mannerisms and language,
But they’re too afraid to get in the ring and fight a worthy opponent. What kinda man is this? What does he know about mindset? They have no gravitas to build a capable team of warriors like THE WAR ROOM so they surround themselves with parasites and losers.
At 20-something years old, I didn’t speak much, I had no inclination to teach anything. I was too busy learning. I trained as hard as possible every single day to become a world champion in my sport. I ran dozens of businesses, worked endless jobs across 10 fields.
Despite only making his money through the easiest time in the world to get rich by blind luck. Do not fall for it. Would you trust a lottery winner on business? Making money on a shitcoin is no different. 10,000 shitcoins failed, and a few didn’t… now this guy is an expert?
Usually "digital marketing agency" or some other vague bullshit that can’t be proven. They then try to sell YOU the secrets of how to make money. Some 25-year-old yelling at you that money is easy,
So, They buy a Lamborghini and some watches. Open up social media accounts and brand themselves as “businessmen” They come up with some backstory about being successful in real business despite being 20 years old.
There is a new generation of nerds. Crypto Kids who got rich in 2021 by scamming in shitcoins or NFTs. The easy money isn’t in crypto anymore, They’re 20-something and have no real-world skills, but the rent is due and their crypto fortune is shrinking.