Andrew Tate(@Cobratate)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

@TuckerCarlson It’s cracking.
A battle of good vs evil.
I seek to improve my personal freedom to think act and live true to my masculine imperative in all ways Tenet 19…
@TopGirlKeiko All the good guys go to jail.
It’s not imagination. It’s construction.
The immovable object beats the unstoppable force. The immovable object requires less energy. Efficiency always wins.
@patrickbetdavid Arab world the future. Dont know a single rich man who isnt semi considering escaping perversion and crime. Cash inflows amongst UHNW to the arab world must be incredible.
@jakepaul @MostVpromotions @AACenter A real fight. Unlike most the fake youtube BS out there. Good luck to both <3
Tates know how to win. I type life stories to educate and spread Tateism for the betterment of man.
Men raise pussy sons because they cuck to wives. My father lost his wife for ME. I always used to remember this story when deep in the rounds of championship fights. Am I gonna lose because I’m tired? Or just lose.
“You’re more tired now than you were in that tournament, ain’tcha?” “Tired isn’t an excuse son. What’s your last name?” Tate I replied. “Tired or not, you know how to win” My Dad sacrificed his marriage to raise me exceptionally. My mother simply didn’t get it.
“Your Dad’s crazy” mother would say. In fact, everyone said that. At the time I didn’t know who to believe. But I was exhausted. I cried a few times. He made me play anyway. And made me sleep very little before school.
My mother told me I didn’t have to play chess anymore if Dad was going to upset me. Dad took me out of the house for a week. We stayed in a hotel away from my mother’s influence. He kept me up playing chess till the early hours. 2/3 am. 6 am school. Every night of the week.
I remember on day 5 or 6 of this sitting across the board. He has set up a position, white to win in 7 moves. After a few minutes, I found the winning combination. A knight sacrifice. Dad cheered. “DAMN SON! That’s a master puzzle!” I was excited and happy.
They had a heated argument as he explained she’s a female and doesn’t understand the burden of performance. “IF I WAS TOO TIRED TO PERFORM, THEY WOULD HAVE KILLED ME” He was referencing a few months before when I watched him be attacked.
“Excuses don’t affect the outcome. So excuses can’t affect your performance.” I was too young to understand and upset. When we got home, I complained to Mom that Dad was yelling at me for losing. She said he was too hard on me.
Dad was furious. I remember feeling like crying as he lectured me. “Who taught you to make excuses boy? It wasn’t me. Isn’t your last name Tate? What does the paper say? Lost cause he was tired? Or LOST?” I didn’t reply. “Answer me, son!” It says I lost Dad.
When I was 8, I lost a winning game at a chess tournament. It was an 11 hours drive to get there, and I blundered and lost a winning position. I told my father it was because I was tired and couldn’t sleep in the car. I came third in the tournament but should have come first.