
If you think about it, Die Hard is a metroidvania movie. As John McClane kills more of the terrorists and attains their equipment, he gets access to larger parts of the building.
I can't believe they got Kiryu and Majima to do this.
Nothing set this off, but "Videogames are the only medium to shut out their audience because of the required skill" bothers me as an argument. A lot of literature is inaccessible and too difficult to follow for people. Hell, non-smooth jazz still filters some music lovers.
ドラクエ6 // Dragon Quest 6 is trending in Japan. Oh, cool, I wonder if something nice got annou... A river turned blood red in Japan, and Japanese Twitter is going "Oh cool, just like DQ6!"
The legacy continues. #AEWDynamite
Playing a game and was wondering what was up with the tone and how much of it was actually in the source material. I guess that answers that then. Big fan of how western localization has always been allowed to be hostile towards Japanese media in particular like this.
One day after the state of California publicly alleged Blizzard's HR shredded important documents ahead of the investigations. twitter.com/PlayOverwatch/…
"We don't condone or promote sexual predators or workfloor bullies mistreating their gamedev staff." 20 minutes later: "Here's the new David Cage game."