Baijayant Jay Panda(@PandaJay)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

See the videos for yourself. Blatant flouting of rules by goons of the West Bengal ruling party. Cctv cameras being taped over & booths captured, just like the bad old days. To the nationwide Liberal abettors of such parties: as the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for..
"जहां झुग्गी वहां मकान" मोदी जी के तोहफे से हजारों गरीबों का जीवन हुआ आसान। अगले दो वर्षों में दिल्ली के लाखों गरीबों के पूरे होंगे अरमान। आज झुग्गीवासियों के लिए बने मकान देखने पहुंचे लोग। उनकी खुशी में शामिल होने और उनके साथ संवाद करने का मौका मिला। #BJP_देगी_दिल्ली_में_घर
-You act like media (opine, edit, censor) -Unlike them, you stay protected from legal consequences by neutral platform regulations -You take partisan positions, label some, boost others, fan hatred, incite riotous tensions -You scoff at the law -You made your bed, now lie on it
Proud of @ianuragthakur for carrying India’s flag into the #Tokyo2020 Olympics. May our players bring India glory & success at the world stage. For #HumaraVictoryPunch, I am nominating @GautamGambhir @ImRaina @MangteC & @PTUshaOfficial to show our support for the Indian🇮🇳 Team.…
It was a pleasure to catch up with my old friend Shri @JitinPrasada Ji today. He is intelligent, sincere, accessible, & is eager to work in @BJP4India for the national interest. I am sure we will have several occasions to work together on the BJP's many initiatives for the public
The Forrest Gump of Indian politics makes a rare appearance in Parliament & unloads his bile. He’s unable to comprehend this new India which is celebrated globally for getting rid of the corruption he & his legacy stood for. Dare he finger his own kin’s palliness with his target?
झूठ बोले कौवा काटे  #AAPkePaap #KejriwalExposed #Delhi
-He taunted Kashmiri Pandits, cruelly made fun of the only movie so far that’s exposed their ethnic cleansing -Saw his evil cackling in assembly speech? -He did that to appease his Urban Naxal base -Now he’s doing TV interviews to say you didn’t see what you saw -Dont be fooled🙏
On this day last year we lost 20 of India's bravest in the #GalwanValley . They are remembered, saluted, cherished. The nation is proud of our bravehearts in uniform, whose supreme sacrifice protects & secures the rest of us. Never forget. Jai Hind 🙏
Having implemented a large number of long-delayed economic reforms, the Modi govt now steps on the gas. Meanwhile, Xi Jin Ping's China is making big departures from Deng Tsiaoping's path, destroying an eye popping $ 2 trillion of wealth. My @htTweets OpEd:…
Worth listening to, the full hour if you can, or at least the first 10 seconds if you're pressed for time.…
Thrilled to join from Jagannath Dham Puri, thousands across India with PM @narendramodi at Kedarnath & Bhagwan Adi Shankaracharya’s Samadhi Sthal. Present here were Sants, Minister @dpradhanbjp, @BJP4India Spokesperson @sambitswaraj, @BJP4Odisha MLAs, office bearers & others 🙏🙏
Fulfilled a long cherished dream this weekend by going to #Kedarnath and #Badrinath , two of the most iconic shrines in Hinduism, with a storied history. Here's a one minute video version of the pilgrimage. #omnamahshivaya #badrinathtemple
Met with @BJP4Delhi President, Leader of Oppn in Assembly, & several MPs, VPs & General Secretaries to take stock of the situation. With our commitment to #SevaHiSangathan thousands of Karyakartas have been assisting the public in the face of epic mismanagement by the Delhi govt.
A former colonial power finds it beyond comprehension that #NewIndia vaccinates more people in a week than its entire population, with QR code traceability. Some Indians too still struggle with a colonial hangover & find the saree not chic. Both should wake up & smell the coffee.
With Hamid Ansari Chairing it as Vice President of India, the Rajya Sabha permitted dozens of MPs to attend conferences abroad (myself included). That was after MEA vetted if the events had links to enemy funding. He could never permit any MP to attend such a conference as this!
Clean sweep! Of by polls in 5 MLA seats, @BJP4Assam is leading in all 3 that we contested & our NDA ally UPPL in the other 2. Assam reiterates its faith in PM @narendramodi & his team, @BJP4India President @JPNadda & strong state leadership of CM @himantabiswa & @Bhabesh_KalitaR
Tourism in Jammu & Kashmir skyrocketing! 6 lakh+ visited valley since Apr’21, of which 3 lakh+ thronged Gulmarg. ~3-4k currently visiting every day. The positive effect of abrogating Article 370 is evident. A super response to the naysayers who doubted this historic decision.
The @narendramodi govt's new Production Linked Incentive Scheme for Textiles, announced by @PiyushGoyal today, is a big deal. Big boost for investment, jobs, & especially, women in the workforce. #PLI4Textiles
FACT #toolkit specified heinous acts FACT Despite having implemented much of it, Congress has tried to distance itself & filed FIRs LOGICAL Such FIRs must be investigated LOGICAL if someone tries to influence investigation by pre-judging, the evidence for that must be verified
This graph will baffle many, but it’s a testimony of unhindered vision, firm resolute and proactive policymaking. Congratulations to team @narendramodi Ji on surpassing the US in one month of vaccine drive. 🇮🇳India- 323.66 mn jabs 🇺🇸 The US- 323.33 jabs.
Outstanding orator, diehard nationalist, global statesman, the most popular & hardest working leader in the world, Prime Minister @narendramodi has dedicated his life to serving the public. Today we celebrate his birthday by emulating him, serving the people through #SevaSamarpan
Deeply anguished by the boat tragedy which, despite safety precautions, took the life of @otvnews' intrepid chief reporter Arindam Das while covering an ODRAF elephant rescue. He was & is a hero. My deepest condolences to his family & prayers for the injured & missing Om Shanti🙏
आज शाम आध्यात्म नगरी हरिद्वार में हर की पौड़ी पर मां गंगा की आरती कर आशीर्वाद लेने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ। मां गंगा के पवित्र, निर्मल जल के स्पर्श से मन की शांति और स्थिरता का एहसास हुआ। मां गंगा की कृपा हम सब पर सदैव बनी रहे । हर हर गंगे, नमामि गंगे ।
Great news. As part of the #CentralVistaProject there will be a modern 2 lakh sqft facility to store 1.95 lakh National Museum antiquities. This govt's commitment to getting back stolen national treasures & to preserve our heritage is a refreshing turn from the apathy of decades.