kasey ♡(@kasey_hhh)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

san on 🪐 2nd February: s: deureureuruek s; what are you all doing ❤️ s: konodol (the karaoke contents that came out) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ s: it was fun s: i just went and played/had fun well s: almost crushed/broke the door… s: me yelling out ‘jongho hyung’
hongjoong youtube live rough trans thread (1st February): @ATEEZofficial #ATEEZ #에이티즈
wooyoung on 🪐 1st February: *pics* wy: it’s not coldd wy: if it’s this degree/extent then it’s warm wy: ㅎ wy: ah (i see) i left yesterday without saying i love you wy: sorry i did that on purpose wy: to tighten (your) discipline wy: it’s for real though
seonghwa on 🪐 1st February: sh: i’ve come sh: ddeong-jang (ddeong-appears) sh: knock knock sh: i’ve come to osaka sh: February sh: yoroshikune (means ‘look after/treat me well’ in jp) *pics* sh: guy who can’t recognise its owner (referring to his phone camera)
wooyoung on 🪐 31st January: *pics* wy: because i thought you’d like it wy: i’m glad since you’re liking it wy: 🙂 wy: the manager that’s the same age as me wy: took it for me wy: since i asked him to take it like that wy: but apparently the trend for that has passed
wooyoung on 🪐 30th January: *pics* wy: i had a good time today tooo ㅎ wy: i ate today ofc wy: because the venue had a microwave i was so happy wy: i ate brown rice and tuna wy: it’s yummy ㅎ wy: noo i can’t eat abura soba..
san on ateez talk ♥︎ san-bunny who lost his carrot Jj Jj M 🔗: m.cafe.daum.net/ATEEZ/sAV2/425
wooyoung on 🪐 28th January wy: the weather is so cold.. *pics* wy: i took out the suit that has been stuck (without being worn).. wy: i went to the wedding ceremony well ㅎㅎ wy: EDEN hyung’s wedding ceremony! wy: this suit wy: when did i do it again wy: was it 3 weeks ago
wooyoung on 🪐 wy: did you have a good holidays??? wy: i spent it well tooo wy: i definitely/clearly did eat a lot but wy: i only gained 1kg.. ㅎ *pics* wy: hot (photos) i just took (meaning like something hot and fresh that just came out of the oven)
seonghwa on 🪐 today ♥︎ sh: hii sh: have you all been well? sh: before i eat! sh: i helped with setting the table sh: and am resting briefly sh: i think i’ll eat sh: just this and that!? sh: just before for lunch i ate a lot too sh: as for what i ate
wooyoung on 🪐 again!! ♥︎ wy: you know *pic* wy: if you draw a picture like this and scan it wy: they said that it would come up on the screen and so i diligently coloured it in wy: seokhwa and (se)rim-ie wy: all wrote RUi and luvity *pic* wy: it came out like this..
san on 🪐!! s: deureureuruek ❤️ s: i woke up now 🙂 s: i completely slept well s: though of course i want to sleep more s: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ s: the blanket is so good… s: deureureung dereureung s: yesterday i went bowling with my family
wooyoung on 🪐!! wy: hii *pic* wy: have an enjoy holidays atiny ㅎ wy: it’s not a family trip that im on *pic* wy: this one was the one taken by seokhwa wy: the one that he tookㅎ wy: i’m here as three with serim-ie and seokhwa wy: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
wooyoung’s on 🪐!! *pic* wy: i didn’t do exercise today wy: no i couldn’t do it wy: my body won’t move as my heart pleases wy: i did eat dinner ^^ wy: salad wy: (and) protein shake wy: ^^
seonghwa said last time when they were in self iso/quarantine or something, he didn’t shave for a week, and said that he (wy) would’ve probably liked that even more >< ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ seonghwa said he definitely cannot show us, it’s a firm no. twitter.com/kasey_hhh/stat…
seonghwa said he shaves ofc ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ and asked if it kind of breaks his image?.. he said even if he doesn’t shave for one day, the next day (he looks) a bit messy, but apparently wooyoung said that that is good, saying something like its sexy ><
seonghwa said that for his alarm (in the morning) he uses the siren sound and puts it at the loudest volume and puts it next to ear and sleeps, and has one set every minute (5 of them), originally he had 7 but cut it down recently
the series of emojis that seonghwa sent when an atiny told him that they caught a cold 🥺
san on 🪐 today ♥︎ s: deureureuruek s: what are you all doing ❤️ s: i worked and then came (back) in and am currently resting ❤️ s: no (but) ㅋㅋㅋ lately i don’t roll my eyes (back) thoughㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ s: all of a sudden ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
wooyoung on 🪐 today ♥︎ wy: today’s diary wy: i went to the recording room/studio wy: i ordered salad wy: i ate it wy: i recorded wy: i came to the dorms wy: i went to the company wy: i worked out wy: i had a protein shake wy: i ate 3 chicken breast sausages
the tone of wooyoung’s pm is so funny today >< wy: what is a squat wy: i dont want to do that sort of thing though wy: they said that we’re doing it tomorrow though wy: ha ha ha
wooyoung made a typo and said that the reason why he’s making so many typos is because today he worked out his shoulders and chest ^^ and then he went ‘haha tomorrow i’m doing my lower body, should i run away?’ ><
pls wooyoung said that he can’t do a work out live because it won’t be broadcastable >< saying that it’ll only be him going ‘ha.. ha-i-ssi ha’ and that’s it, only his breath and ‘i-ssi’ coming out
wooyoung is back to black hair ><
wooyoung’s on 🪐!! *pic* wy: atiny you’ve worked so hard this comeback wy: thank you and thank you (again) wy: thanks to you i did promotions so happily ㅎㅎ wy: there’s only talk about black hair ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ wy: ㅎㅎ