Nayveth Vizcaya ©®(@NayvethVizcaya)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

This month, may your breakdowns become breakthroughs, may your doubts turn into strengths. Trust your gut feeling, most of the time, it is accurate.©️ Bom dia Egun on Buenos días صبح بخیر Good morning Bonjour 早上好 Buongiorno Guten Morgen صباح الخير Günaydin Boker Tov おはよう
The winter coldness brings back memories that warms the heart, long gone happiness when I was a child.©️®️ Good morning Bonjour Buongiorno Buenos días Guten Morgen günaydın शुभ प्रभात സുപ്രഭാതം صبح بخیر อรุณสวัสดิ์ jó reggelt kívánok 早上好 좋은 아침 おはようございます
Friendship is not about who you’ve known the longest. It’s about who walked into your life, said “I’m here” for you and prove it. #friends #life