It took the officers a good few minutes and many attempts to realise cordoning off an empty space in the middle of the mall’s lobby does not really work.
#HongKongProtesters are finding alternative ways to protest amid the crackdown. Latest form after holding blank paper: cosplay twitter.com/holmeschan_/st…
One woman, who is being stopped and searched, got emotional while debating with the officer. “Why are we not even allowed to commemorate the incident?”
How #HongKong riot police officers kettle reporters and passers by on the streets. While some asked us to move back, others blocked us from leaving. After checking my press card and letting me ago, another officer asked me to go back and claimed I couldn’t prove I was checked.
Detained by police officers for the third time tonight. It’s clear by now whom the police are targeting tonight. Officers demanded reporters to stop filming or live broadcasting. “There are too many fake reporters among you guys,” said one officer.
Being detained and checked for the fourth time tonight. I literally left the last search five minutes ago. One officer wielding a pepper spray insisted that we stand outside the cordon line (?!), contradicting other officers on the same team.
Police’s latest strategy is to kettle and search reporters repeatedly, preventing them from doing their job and compelling them to leave the scene. I was stopped and searched for four times in less than an hour. Those without HKJA pass were kept for more questioning. twitter.com/rachel_cheung1…
#HongKong govt to ban dining in and make masks mandatory in outdoor public places. HongKongProtestArt: we are practicing photosynthesis twitter.com/Ima_HkSiuwaaga…
Photo: @appledaily_hk 何家達
My hairdresser spotted an elderly sitting across from the street, eating in the staircase under the rain, and invited him in.
A friend placed chairs outside her studio and told construction workers to simply ring the bell if they want to come in for lunch.
HK, do what you can. twitter.com/sumlokkei/stat…
On being pursued by #HongKong police for violating national security law, @nathanlawkc wrote “I don’t know what my crime is, perhaps it’s not important. Or perhaps the answer is because we love Hong Kong too much.”
He also declared that he has cut ties with his family.
There's now a media literacy discussion among Hong Kong protesters, who have given great attention to foreign media coverage of #HK and are now applying the same skillset to analyse coverage of Beirut explosion and questioning some journalism practice in the Anglosphere.
In #HongKong, artist Him Lo collected tear gas canisters fired by police at protests and created this art installation. Police later came and confiscated them. twitter.com/chehayebk/stat…
- Immigration department set up new unit to review visa applications of foreign journalists
- International media outlets have trouble getting visas for correspondents in HK
- Independent outlets denied access to reporting sites/interviews with police
- public broadcaster @rthk_enews, which is now under a government probe, is also blocked from entering Apple Daily headquarters to report on the ongoing search.
Summary of what happened to #HongKong press:
- Jimmy Lai, founder of only remaining pro-democratic newspaper @appledaily_hk, arrested under national security law, newsroom searched
- News directors of iCable and NowTV, two credible broadcast stations, replaced
If you need a lead photo for the horror unfolding in #HongKong that doesn’t only show stormtroopers at a newsroom, but also put things into context: twitter.com/rachel_cheung1…
List of media barred from reporting onsite grows to include international outlets @AP @AFP @Reuters, while other journalists at police press brief weren't allowed to ask questions. Authorities essentially barred anyone from challenging their statement.
From local artist @AhTo_comic:
"Hey, your search warrant doesn't cover such a huge area"
"We can block whatever we want! We can block your connection. Can block your pen. Can block your mouth too!"
His caption: "Do not grow numb. Do not get used to this."
Can we stop saying this died or that died? Death implies finality and certainty. That it is beyond salvage. There is no use doing anything. That it is over. BUT IT IS NOT. This continues to be our living experience. We live each day feeling the pain. The struggle has not ended.
Hong Kong Code captured the absurdity of #JimmyLai’s arrest in a simple graphic.
Their IG: instagram.com/hongkongcode?i…