Rachel Cheung(@rachel_cheung1)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

“Those in power make bad decisions, but it's us ordinary people who suffer the consequences," a 28-year-old teacher told me. She spent 20 days in quarantine after being listed as a close contact. My latest for @Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/global-health/…
In Dec 2019, a group of 14 homeless people were evicted by authorities from a park in Sham Shui Po. Their personal belongings, including their phones and ID, were taken and discarded as rubbish. The court handed down the ruling today, giving each person a compensation of HK$100.
Since the start of hostilities more than a month ago, one theme has remained consistent in Chinese state media's coverage of the war: the United States is the villain. In my latest for @AJEnglish: aljazeera.com/news/2022/4/6/…
We looked into why people in Hong Kong, especially the elderly, are skeptical about vaccine benefits. A number of new qualitative studies also shed light on the factors contributing to vaccine hesitancy in older adults. telegraph.co.uk/global-health/…
"I will not leave, cannot leave and should not leave... I cannot give up. I am still the Bishop Emeritus of #HongKong," said Cardinal Joseph Zen, in an interview with the now-shuttered Stand News last May. The 90-year-old was arrested today. dev.collection.news/thestandnews/a…
Twitter’s lack of presence in China means it’s been largely free from the country’s vast censorship apparatus. But if his acquisition of Twitter goes through, Elon Musk could be the missing link Beijing is looking for to exert pressure on the company. vice.com/en/article/93b…
Illustrator VA Wong Sir is the latest person to announce their departure from Hong Kong. He’s leaving with guilt, shame and anger, but he promised to continue drawing for those who are silenced, he wrote on Facebook.
Heavy police presence in Causeway Bay on #June4, the anniversary of #TiananmenSquareMassacre. A man near Victoria Park has been surrounded by police officers for 25 mins. They have meticulously gone through everything in his bag, including every card pocket of his wallet.
Chan in his sixties was told by police that he could be deemed as part of unauthorised assembly because of a plastic candlelight, which he has used for years. In return, he advised them to quit their jobs.
A man was stopped and searched by police for holding a Lego tank set. “In just three years, everything changed,” he said.
Police got into a shouting match with two workers and have since pulled them aside for questioning.
A car with the plate US 8964 is being escorted away by police vehicles
More than 30 mins later, the truck driver and the worker are still being questioned. Police have searched the vehicle, while traffic cops examined its exterior for any potential violation.
Today stood in contrast with last year, where far more were on the streets to make a point, despite a banned vigil. This year, ppl were almost outnumbered by police and the most subtle statement - a tee shirt, a candle, torchlight on ur phone - would draw police attention.
But as things quiet down at night, many dressed in black are still in the area, commemorating the massacre in their own way. One was reading the script of the play May 35th. One line in the play: 「我們就來個光明正大的紀念 衝擊這條不正常的底線」
“By the time you see this post, I’m already in UK,” illustrator Hong Kong Worker wrote on Facebook. “You might think HK lost another voice, but if I stay, I will be silenced. This choice allows me to continue.”
China's biggest influencer tanked his career, literally. @EricLiu_USA: His team weren’t even aware of the June 4 and thought it was any other ordinary day. This by itself highlights how successful China’s censorship apparatus is. vice.com/en/article/k7b…
In a public letter published tdy, 37 leading scholars of China’s policies in Xinjiang said they're “deeply disturbed” by @mbachelet's statement, which “ignored and even contradicted” academic findings provided to her office. See our story and full letter: vice.com/en/article/pkg…
Another independent media outlet in #HongKong has shuttered. FactWire, an investigative news agency founded in 2015, announced its termination. "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose. It has, at last, come time to end our journey." factwire.org/en/termination…
#HongKong police have arrested four people in their early twenties for property damage. They allegedly sprayed nearly 200 graffiti about #JuneFourth across the city. news.mingpao.com/ins/%e6%b8%af%…
Bank depositors in Henan who saw their savings frozen have been protesting since April and many were detained after a rally in May, which barely made international headlines. This week, they saw health code turn red and were blocked from a planned protest vice.com/en/article/93a…
The Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival that opened on Fri had to cancel upcoming screenings of short film Time, and Time Again because it didn't receive authorisation from #HongKong's Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration in time. shorturl.at/mEFS6
What else sank in Hong Kong, by @AhTo_comic twitter.com/krislc/status/…
#HongKong cartoonist and visual artist Wong Chiu Tat said he left the city last year. Political cartoons are region specific, so it’s challenging to keep creating works abt HK, he said. “But it’s better than in HK, where I couldn’t even draw anything.” ynews.page.link/JrDP
Pretty much sums it up