Rachel Cheung(@rachel_cheung1)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Another weekend, another film censored. The Ground Up Film Society announced it has cancelled a screening of Piglet Piglet by Taiwanese director Lin Tsung-yen because the film wasn't authorised by Hong Kong's Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration
This is one of the reasons why there was such a huge reaction to the government’s killing of the boars. They might be targeting the boars, but people saw themselves in the way the boars were treated. twitter.com/jmulich/status…
Here’s the new Hong Kong for you. A work by local artist Ah To.
According to Chinese University Student Press, some graduating students at Chinese University of Hong Kong displayed the names of students jailed over their roles in the protest of 2019, along with a sign that says “we are graduating, but they couldn’t.”
Many have declared the death of #HongKong's press freedom. But in my latest article for @CJR, I look at three independent outlets in the city, which have adopted different strategies to stay afloat. cjr.org/analysis/hong-…
“They are afraid of art, of ppl making connections, of organizations and groups, because essentially, they are afraid of the people,” said Kiwi Chow, a film director who was speaking at a screening when it was raided. Latest in @latimes with @aliceysu latimes.com/world-nation/s…
In February, I wrote about the network of ppl and groups supporting #HongKong protesters and activists in prison. Seven months later, two groups are closing down. Wall Fare announced their closure today, they will stop delivering letters and supplies to inmates. twitter.com/rachel_cheung1…
On 31 Aug 2019, police stormed a train in Prince Edward station and assaulted passengers. As the anniversary nears, Pakkin Leung, a reporter who filmed the incident, received a letter with a cutter blade warning him to stay silent. twitter.com/StandNewsHK/st…
District councilor Derek Chu held a screening of romantic film Beyond the Dream tonight and invited director Kiwi Chow to share. Police stormed the event towards its end and accused the 40 attendees of breaking social distancing rules.
Mingpao reported that the Film Censorship Authority asked the director of Far From Home to cut 14 parts of her film, change its name, and add a warning that says the activities depicted may constitute a crime. news.mingpao.com/pns/%e8%a6%81%…
A reporter from People’s Daily asked Nanjing health authorities how many of the recent infections were ppl who had already been vaccinated. The officials did not provide a breakdown but within an hour...the reporter was disciplined by her superiors. ft.com/content/dd7ca2…
What do you see? From political cartoonist Justin Wong.
What living in Hong Kong feels like these days. From Facebook page Hong Kong Worker.
Meeting the press at 1am, student union council of #HongKong University announced their resignation and issued an apology. This came after a member of university's governing council said he welcomed a police probe into the student group, which mourned the death of police attacker
My taxi driver was watching YouTube videos that summarised the headlines in Hong Kong. "They're my spiritual food," he said. "They give me the talking points I need to persuade my customers to leave Hong Kong, particularly the young ones. There is no hope for this place."
Heavy police presence in #HongKong to stamp out any expression of dissent on the centennial anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party. In Causeway Bay, officers found a banner from a man that said “the city will never die.”
Harcourt Romanticist created a new artwork based on an unforgettable scene from 2 years ago, when #HongKong protesters stormed Legislative Council on the anniversary of the handover. “It feels hypocritical to say add oil, when I also can’t find any,” he wrote.
Sat down at Apple Daily's canteen with a senior reporter on Wednesday morning, but before we could finish breakfast, we were warned that police were on their way and had to leave in an emergency evacuation. With @TMclaughlin3 on Apple Daily's legacy. theatlantic.com/international/…
Reporters from different sections recalled their experiences working for Apple Daily, as the newspaper published its last edition tomorrow. "You will see the light if you persist in seeking the truth," wrote the investigative team. hk.appledaily.com/local/20210623…
Apple Daily reported that police officers used the computer's search function and input key words such as "foreign countries" and "rallies" to go through the files in reporters' computers. Search operation was focused on 2/F, where editorial was located. hk.appledaily.com/local/20210617…
Officers surrounded a plastic candle left on a pole, but eventually left it alone
Police unfurled banners, warning people they are violating the law by gathering. People chanted protest slogans in response as they scattered. Unable to light candles, many people walk around with the torchlight on their phone.
A woman stopped and searched outside the park for holding a tiny candlelight.
Another woman holding a bouquet of flowers was stopped and searched. An officer told they have reasonable suspicion because of the flowers.
“It’s a pity we cannot participate in the vigil this year,” said Lit Ming-wai, producer of May 35th, an award winning drama on June Fourth. She is bringing the flowers to attend the mass. “This will only make us remember this better.”