上福ゆき kamiyu(@zacyuki)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

campaign against hacking. #tjpw #makiyukihappy
message from maki🎀🌝🎀 ご心配おかけしてごめんなさい!とりあえず元気だから大丈夫だよ!どうにかなると思う! im sorry for making you guys worry. im good so please don't worry about me! maybe its gonna be okay!!!
if u success to hack some celebrity’s twitter, but your life won’t be successful. stop make many people confuse/sad. see my dogs then get relaxed and just do something more worthy with your that smart brain yo mother hacker!!
guys i realized your reply I texted her so just wait plz calm down. I guess she’s just sleeping it’s ok. don’t worry. she is strong badass.
good luck girl🎀🌝🎀 #makiyukihappy
言われる前に言うわ。 私ほぼYOSHIKIだわ…
today was fun fun shooting day #makiyukihappy
とりいそぎ、 HEY!!!! IM THE INTERNATIONAL CHAMP!!!! #tjpw #モグラレスラー #死ぬほど嬉しい