
Thank you for celebrating my birthday!
I have started selling new acrylic charms! 📦 funamusea.booth.pm
バレンタインアクキー(+他) ✨印刷:山形ビニール商会様 @yamagatavinyl
New version Kurotsuno Acrylic charm coming soon!
他、ツイートの文字数では入りきらなかった備考などメモしたものを以下にまとめました。 アクキーを印刷所15社にお願いして制作・比較してみた。|海底囚人/funamusea #note note.com/funamusea/n/nc…
同じイラストのアクキーをいくつかの印刷所様で制作して、比較してみました!(すべて透明アクリルです) 以下ツリーにて紹介させていただきます。
Pre-orders for Fukami's acrylic charms have started! funamusea.booth.pm/items/4460510 * I will randomly ship acrylic charms produced at multiple printing shops. Therefore, the price is slightly lower than the normal price. Please purchase only those who can understand.
This items was added to him by a viewer comment on the stream.
I'm sorry for the delay, Happy New Year! This year, my goal is to live a healthy life and focus on creating games and cartoons. Thank you for all your support! #HappyNewYear2023