Dove Cameron(@DoveCameron)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

it’s coming ............…
you guys i just got a song back that is ................🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝. fuck. like. i’m so impatient
i love therapy . i am very grateful.
unbelievably wholesome…
had the most amazing night with my chosen family @andyfickman @KristenGura @betsysullenger seeing andy’s new film #PlayingWithFireMovie . if you have the opportunity , take your friends & family !! so well done, so funny, so heartwarming . 10/10 would recommend . i’m not biased !
women are a gift
i am so honored that you guys have loved the 1st 3 releases so much. it’s been so important to me to only release music that is ME, & not music that i think will be a “hit” or is very calculated or obviously aimed at radio. i am so moved that you guys are on this journey with me-
and all the support you’ve shown me, even if the music isn’t your immediate taste. it’s been so personal and so fulfilling and nerve wracking and you’ve made it such a joy for me, and i’m finding new layers of myself every day because of it. thank you, truly, and endlessly
it’s only just beginning
hi love you. just to remind you. if i’m not here i still love you. just need to stay in my energy right now 🏹🌹
really sad for no reason today! rt if you agree!
oh also tommy & i went to the movies the other night & ate at @Cheesecake & apparently a table of young fans PAID FOR OUR MEAL before we could & then DIPPED. and i need to say. that’s the cutest shit that’s ever happened to me, and whoever you are, you da real ones
just out of another therapy/intensive trauma session. feeling a bit lighter, but also heavily reminded of just how much real work i have to do/pain i have to untangle. this life is hard, y’all. and mental health/needing help is nothing to be ashamed of. take care of yourselves.🖤
also: i know therapy isn’t something everyone has access to/can afford, & i wish that wasn’t the case. but in whatever way you can, whatever you have access to; please prioritize your inner state/mental health. before you can help anyone else, you must help yourself. you matter.
just finished watching, and @MelissaBenoist is a fucking hero. talking about something as complex & layered as intimate partner violence so openly, as she did, is a massive feat & such a selfless act that will hopefully heal so many. we can all only hope to be as brave as she is.
seeing some articles speculating about “why” i must be “sad”, & feeling very frustrated with how the media/some people portray mental health. yes, many things have happened in my life, there are probably many easily summarized reasons that an outsider could easily grasp, or label
many deaths, losses, many things that you could literally point to and say “it’s probably that”. and while those things are massive contributing factors, and everyone holds grief and loss differently, i sometimes feel that defining sadness or suffering/any and all pain (cont)
is very diminishing of the human experience of pain. those things, those losses, define me in so many ways. but to say that they are the only sources of pain and sadness in my life, is simply not true. i attempt to talk about my mental health as much as i feel is reasonable
as much as i feel is healthy for me. but my trauma, my depression, my anxiety and whatever falls in between those things, or goes along with those things, or has a cause and effect relationship with those things, is very complex and varied, every day. because