search party is my favorite fucking tv show and it was made exclusively for me @searchpartymax i would like to thank you for your service
thank u. for loving me so well
I am so excited to join @GlblCtzn & @HeadCountOrg for their #JustVote campaign to make sure you're ready to cast your ballot this November! Just check your voter registration status at the link below, and you can enter to win a virtual coffee hang with me!
i love you guys so much
think i’m allergic to every other person
just wanna stop by and say your support on #webelong means so much . it’s so special and mind blowing to see you guys loving my music because it’s like a little piece of me
:( te amo twitter.com/fastimescarson…
tryna fight n stay above that anxiety and self loathing today like SWISH ! jump !! catch me if u cannn
it’s ok same . i find that self love is more of a practice, almost like a discipline out of kindness for yourself. even if you feel you aren’t worth being kind to, just at the very least leaving a crack in the door for self love to enter in. even if u have to fake it. gotta try t.co/tCwydEevxn
let me at ur taxes twitter.com/Lunapalomo2/st…
oh shit . damn twitter.com/wastesab/statu…
keep streaming we belong as much as you can !! we’re so close to 10m #webelong
if we keep streaming #webelong and she keeps growing ... i might have a surprise for u
hi guys . i love you so much. sorry i sometimes just come here to say that but . sometimes that’s the only thing to say that matters
this is the least christian thing you could have ever said. my heart aches knowing that anyone could wish to cause pain to someone on this level. you are masquerading your judgment, condemnation and vile misogyny as faith. they are unrelated. our world is so broken. twitter.com/CarmineSabia/s…
i feel a global heaviness. i feel heavy shoulders. heavy bones. i am pulled instinctively towards healing but there is so much. i think this generation is pulled towards healing but our leaders who might teach us how to heal are the ones causing the most destruction.
just stopping by to say it’s ok to feel intense pain right now, and the last year, maybe the last few years. we are so low, globally, energetically speaking. it is universal now, to feel alone, and in that aloneness we are actually connected. i feel you. physically, i feel you.
i am so sorry that it’s like this.
we don’t have to feel hopeful, because this is exhausting our resources. all we have to do is invest all of our love, our patience and kindness into ourselves. becoming and remaining connected to yourself is the most radical thing you can do at this time on our planet.