Cassie Wei 👠(@momocashew)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

LCB Chapter 4 will be amazing from what i know!! promise 😏😏😏 知ってる限りではリンバス4章はすごいぞ!!約束する
2周年おめでとうございます!! Miliが担当する まほやく第二部主題歌「Skin-deep Comedy」 第一部と違ってちょっとシリアスでダークな感じな曲になります! 個人的にもすごく気に入ってる曲! 来年春楽しみだね…!! #まほやく2周年 #まほやく #まほやく2周年特番
Lament -> 😫🙏 Ramen -> 🍜 Dante -> ⏰ Al dente -> 🍝
While you guys enjoy visiting Limbus Company at TGS we're enjoying the process of making a new song for LC 😉😉 お前らがTGSでLimbus Companyを楽しんでる同時に私達は楽しくLCの新曲を作ってるぞ
Lots of exciting things are happening tonight 😏😏😏 I'd keep my schedule open if I were you 今夜色々すごいことが起きるかもしれんぞ???私だったら正座待機するぞ??
This concludes all the songs we wrote for Library Of Ruina! Yamato & I are getting emotional haha It has been a long journey experimenting with different genres. Angela is such an iconic character... She can have all my love!! Please look forward to the official release too!!
「魔法使いの約束」開発・運営、colyさんより会社設立のお祝いをいただきました!!! かわいい!!!うれしゅ!!! coly, the developer of Promise of Wizard sent me flowers to celebrate me starting a new company!!! Such kind people 😭
There are *Mili surprises* in Limbus Company 😏😏😏 play till the end to find out before everyone else!!! リンバスカンパニー、Miliより「何か」が実装されているぞ😏😏😏最後まで遊んだら世間より早く体験できるぞ??? #LCB #LimbusCompany #リンバス #リンバス・カンパニー
what i do when i'm not making music 音楽を作ってない時はこんなのを作ってる
Registered a new song to be released soon 🤫🤫🤫新しい曲を登録したぞ
まだまだこれから一緒に作品を作るよ?????ヒントだぞ???意味わかる????? We'll be working together on *more things* in the future if you get what I mean 😏😏😏😏😏
Omg Jihoon changed his Discord icon to the flying star from our Fly, My Wings video 😭😭😭 way too cute ジフンさんのDiscordアイコン、 Fly, My Wingsの星さんになっててかわいすぎる😭😭😭😭🌟🪽
Q どうすればMiliの活動資金をサポートできますか? A ストリーミング配信を聴くこととYoutube動画を見ること! ほぼ無料でやれるし、 再生数により新しいファンが増えるしクライアントが来るし、 クライアントは良い報酬をくれるしアニメやゲームへの曲を提供するチャンスも与えてくれる
Yes the vocals are all Cassie 🥚🐣 from teeny tiny lil boi to BIG SCARY GROWN UP MAN they are all me そうよ歌ってるのは私だぞ。ちっちゃいかわいい男の子もおっきい怖いおじさんも全部私だぞ…
Dinner with Project Moon 🌜🌛 finally we got to have real life conversations after talking through emails for 2 years!! プロムンと飯!2年間、ずっとメール通信だけだったけどようやくゆっくりお話できた…!
I hope you liked SPB&TP! Yamato originally composed the piano version back in Feb 2020 when we started making the theme song for LOR. We ended up making 2 more demos before birthing String Theocracy. After Project Moon released the LOR ost, I thought about making a mini album --
While SPB&TP doesn't tell the exact story of any character in particular, you may find bits and pieces of them throughout the song. It celebrates freedom, one of the core themes. I hope the song makes you think, about many things!
The made-up language choir in In Hell We Live, Lament is very Italian-like, as a way of paying respect for the great master Dante! I imagined "lament" to be a word of prayer for those in hell who prays to their own ego 🍜 it sounds like a hell's version of amen
今年作った多くの曲はなぜかみんな来年1月〜2月ぐらいに公開させることになってきた。正直お前ら体持たないと思う。しぬぞお前ら、高い確率で Coincidentally a lot of the songs we finished this year will be released in Jan~Feb 2022. Tbh I think you all are gonna fucking die
on vinyl that includes all the in-game songs, with a new song that focuses on the values and world of LOR. I talked with Pro Moon and they shared with me where they originally got the inspiration for LOR. I decided to make the song about that inspiration. Inspiration inception!!
Actual lyrics of a new song I'm recording rn 今録ってる仮歌の歌詞(本物でしゅ)
Excited for Limbus Company, lament
A few months ago we got an "offer" to write a song for a well known singer to be featured in an anime. They wanted to buy out all our rights and offered a whopping total of $1000 😂 Mind you, a song like that normally generates $10000 to $150000 of streaming profits PER YEAR.