Got this new oskt au in mind where Kita is a blind shamisen musician with Osamu as his duo traveling town to town for gigs. However, what Osamu doesn't know about Kita is that he knows the way of the sword. #haikyuu #osakita #oskt
I think this one? Or it’s one of my sakuatsu pieces…
Can somebody hold him for a sec 🤏 #SAKUSAKIYOOMI #haikyuu
💖 Happy Valentine’s Day!! 💖 🏹 🍫 #osakita #haikyuu
Crawling out to say Happy Lunar New Year! 🐇🧧 #osakita
Kita does a thing for the first time #osakita @haikyuu
My piece for the @HQ_SNOWMORI event! ❄
It’s the Year of the Rabbit so decided to show what my 12 years old self can do #Haikyuu
(ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ~~ <3 #osakita #haikyuu
😷 Chib skts 🦊Gonna turn these into acrylic pins! #haikyuu #sakuatsu
Itachiyama going for ice cream 🍦 (Page 1) #Haikyuu #itachiyama
First character batch! Featuring captains and one msby hinata #Haikyuu
(Mild-nsfw) -coughs- #osakita