naughty guy:策略 #ベネラ准尉Venera
Translated upon request.
蛇のクノイチ カガチ
Kunoichi Kagachi the Snake, English version
mob nurse Somewhere in Venera's world. #ベネラ准尉Venera
#バニーの日 After I drew it, I wondered why it's a bunny on the moon, but only Japanese people can understand why it's a bunny on the moon.
Ice Cream Shop and Platoon #ベネラ准尉Venera
I've put together a list of tweets related to Venera. I'll update this page when I've made a new illustration. ベネラ准尉に関するツイートまとめ
Hekate is a stowaway:密航者ヘカッテ #ベネラ准尉Venera
big speech:大演説 #ベネラ准尉Venera
ハロウィンに向けてとてもとてもおそろしいおばけの漫画をかいてる Halloween is coming up. I'm trying to make my followers scream with fear. I set out to draw a cartoon of a very, very scary ghost.
【NSFW】Halloween Cartoons おばけが出たぞ/Fear and Scream
いいかんじに描けたおばけちゃん 自画自賛フンフン
#FearAndScream I drew a cartoon of the ghost girl because everyone liked it. If you have an idea for a good name for her, let me know.
#FearAndScream Next story WIP
#いいおっぱいの日 過去のでお茶をにごしていくう
【NSFW】(‘◉⌔◉’) #FearAndScream
I've seen Jurassic World. #FearAndScream
#FearAndScream !!!!ASMR!!!! Don't worry! She seems to have chosen Special Berry Twist over a man's arm. ◆Voice Actor アンネリリーゼさん @rottelia666…
【NSFW】 AI rebellions are very common. とてもよくある話 #ベネラ准尉Venera
Una caricatura de un fantasma que dibujé. Versión traducida al español por la máquina. #FearAndScream