To finish the lastest p4p with joy, a give4way! <3 For those who couldn't join or couldn't grab a charm, or want to gift a friend: this is the chance; Good luck! 💌
Good old hobbit fanart days 🥺
⚠️P4p's first open batch will be opened Dec 5, 10:00AM (utc-3)⚠️ It'll be divided in stationary only (shipped Jan 2023) and non-stationary (shipped Feb/Mar 2023); Video bellow is a rough preview showing both p4p contents, only small changes have been made in packaging/details 🧧
A little flash followers' G/iveaway to celebrate the end of 2022 and the p4p 🎉 GA ends on Dec 18th, when a random name will be picked! ❤️