having media literacy but no brain cells is looking at takes online about your favourite character and being like "that's absolutely wrong but i have no idea how to make a post that is correct so i seethe instead"
talked to a british person today... what a bunch of fetishizers... what do u mean ur from the "uke"..? u make me sick...
let onii chan handle it please vash please vash your brother is so capable he can do anythigng please let your nii chan handle it he can do it he's so very rational and he can think good please just let him do it let him handle it please vash p #TRIGUN #トライガン
you SHOOT me? you SHOOT your own brother?? JAIL! JAIL TO VASH FOR 10000 YEARS!!!!! #TRIGUN
nick who woods his wolf and vash who peed on stamps #TRIGUN
[major sumeru archon quest spoilers] > be me > be extremely charming celebrity hard working architect > live with roommate who is a regular salaryman > go to business trip > come home > roommate is now governor #原神
it was short history, but it was history....... #cytham #haino
(through gritted teeth) he collected some meaningful and relevant data. #haino #cytham