eri: the birthday hashtag that sehunnie wrote is? sehun: #세상에서제일귀여운세훈아생일축하해 (the world’s cutest, sehun-ah, happy birthday)
exo’s ladder season 3 movie review 📝 kyungsoo: i talked about each member but it got edited lots? jongin: do it now then~ kyungsoo: do it now? why would i? i’m shy! sehun: what did you say about me? kyungsoo: something like “the maknae that i dislike the most”~ sehun: oh, okay~
jongin is giving that soft and dreamy boy vibes 🎆
junmyeon’s bbl: “i’m gonna eat jjapaghetti cooked by kyungsoo and then sleep” “메롱* (sticking tongue out cutely*)
230412 junmyeon instagram story update with sehun 📸✨ “happy birthday to our (my) youngest 🐣 @.oohsehun”…
sehun and his “i’m going home” line every time a minor inconvenience happens ㅋㅋㅋ
230101 sehun 🧼💌 “*sent a picture*
sehun and junmyeon today 🖤✨ (cr: c1ear. sky, hun2nuna)
typical kim jongin ㅋㅋㅋ “i’m not kai if i don’t destroy, lose, or spill something.” “i wouldn’t be kai, if i didn’t drop things.”
junmyeon: i've been roommates with sehun for 5-6 years and we used the same room even when we moved out. i asked sehunnie and he said he was scared to sleep alone. he said "hyung, if you feel uncomfortable, you can use your own room but i like when we share a room together” 🥺❤️
nom nom nom sehunnie 😚🥢
210929 sehun 🧼💌 “have sweet dreams”
he's always been beautiful 🖤✨
more pictures from when sehun filmed for his upcoming drama ‘우리가 사랑했던 모든 것’ 🖤✨ (cr: EllehcimNuhes)
엑소 사랑하자 🤍
210908 tvn_joy instagram update with sehun and the ‘pirates 2’ cast~! first episode of ‘빌려드립니다 바퀴 달린 집 (rent: house on wheels)’ will be aired on september 13 (monday) at 9pm kst 🏠🔐🖤
more photos of dior ambassador sehun at the airport heading to cairo, egypt 🤍✨
jongin's opinions on the 'perilla leaf debate'~ jongin: (my partner) can even feed them~ junmyeon: what are you saying? jongin: you said they are my friend! junmyeon: like "ah?" jongin: yes! minseok: if it was me, i might've cursed at suho & asked if he doesn't have hands/feet~!
q: why did you want to become a k-idol? shohei: i listened to exo’s ‘overdose’ by chance when i was in HS. i fell in love with sehun hyung at first sight and became interested in idols while watching exo’s performances. he’s my role model and the person whom i respect the most.
dior ambassador sehun at dior men's 2022 winter collection held at dior’s seongsu pop-store today 🕴✨
baekhyun: the moment when the car door opens, it’s oh sehun aaaaahhhhhh!!! in case you don’t know, baekhyun was actually talking about this legendary video~! just listen to the fans’ screaming when sehun gets out of the car ㅋㅋㅋ
baekhyun: it’s not eris who are waiting for me, but it’s me, waiting (for you guys)! ㅠㅠ