Cammy White commission #CopicMarkers
Go in peace, Legend. twitter.com/SailToArchipel…
Edward Scissorhands for @Mindyleedoodles #CopicMarker
Perfect example of why I feel the silliness of anime does not translate well to live action. twitter.com/AwestruckVox/s…
Coloring some Rangers twitch.tv/actionhankbeard
Whenever possible make art for you in between the work that you do for others. It’s the anchor that’ll keep you from drifting too far off.
I just want to do my art without the stresses of adult life and responsibilities.
You could use a dark brown for contrast, but a better option would be a dark blue violet. This way you’ll get contrast in both your values and your colors.. A good rule of thumb when thinking about this is
Shadows = cool colors
Light = warm colors twitter.com/SAKEandMIYAZAK…
Isopropyl will dilute the color, not restore it. Copics use alcohol based dye ink so using isopropyl on the marker without the pigment will just water it down.
A couple drops can help you in a pinch but you WILL need to get a refill or run the risk of ruining the marker. twitter.com/myvenusincance…
Nobody likes self deprecation. If you’re not where you want to be, whether it be in your art or in your life, identify the issue(s) and start working towards a solution.
If your response is to run to another social media platform every time the one you’re currently using gets a little finicky… I think you’re playing the game wrong. It’s my belief that artists, especially those serious about finding work, should prioritize a personal website.
I know you wanna get your dunk off on every viral take you don’t like, but sometimes the best response is no response at all.
One of the biggest components to getting traction on social media with your art is engaging with the audience you have, no matter how small. You’re not entitled to anybody’s support. So if it’s given to you, no matter how small, you should be appreciative.
You’ll open yourself up to better opportunities and relationships in life the moment you stop doing the same stupid shit and expecting a different result.
Your time is the most valuable thing you can give. The older I get the more I understand that true self care is about knowing what is worth giving your time to.