baekhyun said he will do such lives more regularly! when he’s on the way back home~
baekhyun: “it will be raining over the weekends so remember to bring an umbrella when you’re heading out. and if you’re driving, drive safely~”
baekhyun: “i don’t even know where i got corona from. i rarely go out/leave my house”
baekhyun: “it might sound like an excuse, but after getting corona, my throat’s condition changed so i wasn’t in a good mood daily. i changed my mood (for the better) when i went on twitter & bubble.….
baekhyun: “(when i was in the military), i exercised daily, took vocal lessons 3 times a week. i took golf lessons too. i filled my day fully but there wasn’t time to rest. i wanted to rest for a short while after i discharge, but i couldn’t do that…
baekhyun entrance for their fan meeting today~
(Cr. 殉情德令哈)