Lum ✖️ Zelda 🌟
Not long until we meet the short-haired princess! Are you ready for new adventures?
"What are you doing? "😊 ※ my past works
2022年の上半期で特に私のお気に入りがこの3枚でした!2022年後半もたくさん描いていきたい😄 In the first half of 2022, these three were my favorites! I want to draw a lot in the latter half of 2022❤️💚💛
"Dark! It suits you!! 😙" "…………"
I drew fanart Akai Riot's OC "Iru May"💜💙 @AkaiRiot
#七夕 July 7th is Tanabata Day(Star Festival) 🎋🌌✨🌟  Repost
Summer vacation 👒🌻 ( Repost )
I made some improvements to the sketch I drew last year🐠🐬
my past work🐰 #Mythra 昨日はカギロイちゃんを描いたので、過去絵のヒカリちゃんを…
My OC "Maya" Nice to meet you everyone❤️
Mythra✨ ヒカリちゃん詰め合わせ💛
Bunny Pose Mythra 🐰
Summary of recently drawn female Link 💗and female dark Link🖤 Which do you prefer?
#deepcut Gijinka Shiver & Frye 以前の作品を手直ししました🐙🦑
Pink Link's Fairy "Pinky" 🧚‍♀️✨
Shiver Gijinka (Splatoon3) フウカ擬人化🦑🐙
Frye Gijinka🦑🐙 ウツホ擬人化
😋❤️❤️❤️ my favorite past works
#バニーの日 Bunny girl🐰 大遅刻&過去絵ですが…