Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

This is incredibly defensive. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
In light of the deeply troubling Facebook VR thing this week, this talk struck me as extremely far-sighted and valuable—well worth watching. I found the thing fascinating, but for those looking for the Facebook-specific part, it begins just after 30 minutes in. twitter.com/gfodor/status/…
@01_fjodor Der Bitcoin ist eine bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln
From the gutter, a voice emerges: "Never let a crisisss go to wassste." twitter.com/tier10k/status…
The @FT article on Biden's effort to bring down oil prices today could be described as, uh, "skeptical." ft.com/content/4e7f25…
@doyourweb You can't trust anything anyone says from anywhere. Don't trust: check the facts.
this is a violation of the non-aggression principle twitter.com/LizMair/status…
Does this look like pornography to you, @elonmusk? If you have a machine handing out bans for pictures that could be on a Hallmark Card, it's time to dial back the algorithm. Just my opinion. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Just a half an hour into this exceptional charity auction and bidding has reach 20 #ETH ($50k USD, high bid by @mondoir ). So grateful to see such global support for press freedom. Thank you! As a reminder, carbon for this event will be offset, so bid with confidence. Good luck! twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Follow @kgosztola, who is livetweeting the Assange decision from the courtroom. twitter.com/kgosztola/stat…
This is our first in-person hackathon since the Before Times. Come and make a difference with us! twitter.com/SecureDrop/sta…
Attenborough voice: "Look, look there! Bent-backed and sweating, a little reply guy emerges to defend his bubble. And there's another! Though they look different, if you listen carefully, you'll hear the same sounds."
I wrote a little book on this once. You may enjoy it. static.macmillan.com/static/holt/pe…
Introduce gravitas into your everyday parenting by replacing the pedestrian, "Let me hold the baby" with a baritone "Bring the child to me."
So when Laura says she was fired because she said things that executives found unpalatable, I believe her. That her concerns related to concerns of source protection—in the case of Reality Winner—makes it for me all the more tragic.
NFTs have been amazingly successful for tech charities. The only @torproject NFT just reached $500k! Less than five minutes left to bid! There's a real battle going between @jespow and @PleasrDAO (who also won my charity NFT). twitter.com/foundation/sta…
@ryanol No, Cellebrite cannot decrypt Signal communications. What they sell is a forensic device cops connect to insecure, unlockable phones to download a bunch of popular apps' data more easily than doing it manually. They just added Signal to that app list. That's it. There's no magic.
Davinci Resolve is crippled in the most anger-inducing ways. A Linux CLI from 1989 can convert a file format intended for CLAY TABLETS into ALIEN BEAT POETRY. DR in *2023* is like "oh, wow, h.264? pretty exotic, there fella. aac audio? can't, sorry." Then points you to Paypal.