Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

I'm significantly more sympathetic to @elonmusk's concern about crazy people showing up at the door than the average person because, well, look at my life, but c'mon, man. You're a public figure in a position of power in a world where even normal people are constantly tracked.
"Governments want to shape and control the public conversation, and will use every method at their disposal to do so, including the media. And the power a corporation wields to do the same is only growing. It’s critical that the people have tools to resist this." twitter.com/jack/status/16…
"The biggest mistake I made was continuing to invest in building tools **for us** to manage the public conversation, versus building tools **for the people using Twitter** to easily manage it for themselves." twitter.com/jack/status/16…
Jack is one of the only folks willing to speak a hard truth: a site that answers one censorship demand inevitably finds itself facing millions. It will never be free. Censorship might help your business, but it hurts society. The moderation problem requires a different answer. twitter.com/jack/status/16…
Update on the Metam*sk/Infura controversy: Their parent (Consensys) says they have never/won't sell data (what about share?), will aim for 7-day data retention, and promise a "comprehensive redesign" of their privacy policy. Good start, but keep going. consensys.net/blog/news/cons…
Started working with NSA in June 2013? So, when every headline in every newspaper is about the NSA violating constitutional and human rights on a scale unprecedented in history, dude is like "hell yeah brother let me in on that." And stays for 6 years? You hire that? twitter.com/BurritoHunting…
Let me get this straight: you *want* governments and corporations to more tightly control the flow of information? Because someone said something problematic? All over the world, people are making the same mistake.
"...the Council demands crypto-asset service providers (CASPs) to apply customer due diligence measures when carrying out transactions amounting to €1000 or more, AND ADDS MEASURES TO MITIGATE "RISKS" IN RELATION TO SELF-HOSTED WALLETS." twitter.com/Snowden/status…
@4functions Use private payment systems that are decentralized and independent of state authority.
This is absolutely tyrannical. The EU is trying to outlaw any cash transaction over €10,000—which at the current rate of inflation will probably buy you half a shawarma in a decade. They're claiming this is to protect you. To protect you! consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press…
Not liberals, but "liberals." It bothers me how power struggles within the blue-red corporate uniparty transform complex philosophies into meaningless epithets. If you argue "censorship is good, actually," you are not a liberal. If you cheer for the FBI, you are not a liberal.
One notorious digital armaments dealer dismissed his involvement in human rights abuses. “We work with the good guys.” He added, “And sometimes the good guys don’t behave.” Yeah, you know what they call good guys that don't behave? Bad guys. nytimes.com/2022/12/08/us/…
The DEA refused to answer questions about whether it used this (or other) spyware against Americans abroad, or about how the agency handled Americans' information — messages, phone contacts or other records — that the agency "obtained" when using it against others. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
"The Drug Enforcement Administration is secretly deploying spyware from an Israeli firm," writes the @nytimes. "The United States has played both arsonist and firefighter" in terms of digital security, funding a deadly bazaar for state hackers. nytimes.com/2022/12/08/us/…
My good friend @johncusack on the PRESS Act. It's important to keep the limits on the White House's ability to spy on journalists from changing at the stroke of an Attorney General's pen. chicago.suntimes.com/2022/12/5/2349…
That is a very big number. twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…
One, I didn't "steal" anything. I created a copy. Two, that "thing" was **evidence of crimes** (our courts agreed: see link). Three, exposing a crime should not be a crime, regardless of whether those crimes were committed by a Mafia or a State. theguardian.com/us-news/2020/s… twitter.com/Roomtofit/stat…
You have no idea what you're talking about. Even the United States Government doesn't allege this. It literally never happened, and it *couldn't* happen, because I gave the archive to journalists. Those journalists' reporting, by the way, won the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service twitter.com/DrinkDonJulio/…
Many have yet to realize that history has discredited the old propaganda. It has been nearly *ten years* since I revealed the system of global mass surveillance, and not one person has died. On the other hand, courts since ruled the *gov* broke the law! theguardian.com/us-news/2020/s… twitter.com/SaltzmanJason/…
Assange & I were charged under a law designed to prevent fair trials—a law originally aimed at suppressing an old anti-war movement. Defendants are forbidden from mounting a public interest defense, juries prohibited from hearing⁠ it. Whatever your politics, that's an injustice twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…