Taking a Twitter sabbatical. Stay free.
Or, you know, because I actually worked for the CIA and know exactly what they do. Or maybe I just opened a book at some point in my life.
I swear, these new-wave infowarrior types see the hidden hand of the Kremlin as the reason they got shorted a McNugget. Totally lost. twitter.com/OzKaterji/stat…
everyone who disagrees with me is a russian agent
Thanks, I'll pass. twitter.com/NSA_CSDirector…
people are like "I'm not going to eat the crickets."
oh you're gonna eat the crickets, brother. they're gonna be everywhere. they're gonna put em in Hot Pockets. your kids are gonna be like "mom! i want the pizza crickets!"
Is it just me, or have search results become absolute garbage for basically every site? It's nearly impossible to discover useful information these days (outside the ArchWiki).
My thinking on the Assange pardon is very simple: setting aside all else, Trump will either be remembered as the first President since JFK who from his first to last day in office was hated by the NSA, CIA, and FBI, or as the one who caved to pressure at the very last moment.
This is the real reason Assange is in prison. #FreeAssange twitter.com/ggreenwald/sta…
After 25 years in the CIA: twitter.com/BankerWeimar/s…
Social distancing is underrated.
twitter: the museum of the confidently incorrect twitter.com/Liz_Cheney/sta…
skim milk is a crime
afghanistan fell in like 10 days and here we are having used up our national quota of the word "insurrection"
please tell me the white house did not spend the month of february scrambling jets to fire $400,000 missiles at the local hobby club's TWELVE DOLLAR BALLOON
lord have mercy
i say this with love:
if you got talked into exchanging your hard-earned savings for some new dog money because a meme said you'd get rich, please carefully consider your odds of outsmarting a market that sold to you its stake in *not even dog money but a CLONE of dog money*
Every day that I go on this website and scroll the broadcasted thoughts of famed intellectuals, icons, and official Washington, I leave with an uncomfortable suspicion that our species is regressing toward the animal—emotional, ignorant, violent, and distractible.
Is it just me?
Look, I'm just going to say it:
At a certain point, our corrupt and moribund political culture has no hope of solving humanity's problems. You either bet on science and technology, or you bet on extinction.
We really could have handled the 2008 Great Financial Crisis better. twitter.com/histories_arch…
Imagine my surprise to find only the worst people in the country willing to speak against a pardon this time around. How far we've come!
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