T1 LoL(@T1LoL)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Why is there a Shen in the jungle #LCS
Why did jungle Shen win the series twitter.com/T1LoL/status/1…
It's Training Time! Who's your best pick to stretch with?👀 #T1WIN
Well, congratulations to @G2esports for winning the @LEC Summer Split. There's no way @FNATIC comes back from an 0-2.
@G2esports Europe and 0-3 Worlds finals
Positive: Silver Scrapes Less positive: another game of this #LCS
Time for revenge vs @Freecs_LoL #T1WIN
[2020 Regional Qualifiers vs @Freecs_LoL] 운명의 갈림길에 놓인 지금. 모두 하나가 되어 뜨거운 응원의 목소리를 보내주세요. There is no way back from here. Show us your support for our match tonight! ⏰ 5PM KST 📺 twitch.tv/lck_korea #T1WIN #T1Fighting
[2020 Regional Qualifiers vs @Freecs_LoL] Starting roster for tonight. Canna - Ellim - Faker - Gumayusi - Effort #T1WIN #T1Fighting
Look who's ready #T1WIN
2020 Regional Qualifiers - Game 01 vs AF 새로운 도약을 향한 신인들의 활약. 아직 보여드릴게 더 많이 남은 지금, 2세트도 함께 해주세요. New plays with newbies. The game continues on, please keep on supporting us! #T1WIN #T1Fighting
2020 Regional Qualifiers R2 - Game 01 vs AF T1이 선정한 이번 경기 POG는 바로 안정적인 데뷔전을 선보인 “Gumayusi” 이민형 선수입니다. That’s what we call a great debut. POG chosen by T1 for Game 01 goes to Gumayusi! #T1WIN #T1Fighting
2020 Regional Qualifiers R2 - Game 02 vs AF 2세트 아쉬운 판단과 플레이들이 겹치며 패하였습니다. 다시 반등할 수 있도록 응원해주세요. A series of bad decisions and plays. But we’ve got more to go - let’s come back. #T1WIN #T1Fighting
Ellim: 👍 #T1WIN
2020 Regional Qualifiers R2 - Game 03 vs AF 모두가 돌아가면서 보여준 강력한 캐리력. 아직 승리의 깃발은 꽂히지 않았습니다, 끝까지 함께 해주세요! Everyone showed their best, and that’s what we want. Only one step from a sweet victory, stay with us! #T1WIN #T1Fighting
2020 Regional Qualifiers R2 - Game 03 vs AF 구마유시에 밀릴 수 없는 그의 대활약. T1이 선정한 이번 경기 POG는 “Ellim” 최엘림 선수입니다! And of course, Ellim joins the party. POG chosen by T1 for Game 03 goes to Ellim! #T1WIN #T1Fighting
2020 Regional Qualifiers R2 - Game 04 vs AF 기대했던 경기력, 우리의 승리. 마지막 경기를 향해 나아갑니다, 내일도 응원해주세요! This is T1, and we’ve made it. Heading to the Final round for Worlds tomorrow. #T1WIN #T1Fighting
2020 Regional Qualifiers R2 - Game 04 vs AF 화려한 플레이 속 팀을 이끈 선봉장. T1이 선정한 이번 경기 POG는 “Faker” 이상혁 선수입니다! And the King is back to lead his team. POG chosen by T1 for Game 04 goes to @faker ! #T1WIN #T1Fighting
Gumayusi's Message about his debut #T1WIN
Happy Birthday, @LoL_Wooolf 🐺🐺🐺 twitter.com/T1/status/1303…
[2020 Regional Qualifiers vs @GenG_KR] 다가온 여름의 끝자락, 그 결전의 날. 모두의 염원을 담은 최후의 승리를 향해. The end of Summer is near and D-day has arrived. All the best for our upcoming match. ⏰ 5PM KST 📺 twitch.tv/lck_korea #T1WIN #T1Fighting
[2020 Regional Qualifiers vs @GenG_KR] Starting roster for tonight. Canna - Ellim - Faker - Gumayusi - Effort #T1WIN #T1Fighting
To the Worlds #T1WIN
2020 Regional Qualifiers Finals - Game 01 vs GEN 첫 세트 아쉽게 패하며 시작합니다. 다음 세트에서 반등할 수 있도록 응원해주세요. Not a clean kick-off of the series. Let’s turn this around next game! #T1WIN #T1Fighting
2020 Regional Qualifiers Finals - Game 02 vs GEN 이제 더 이상 남은 기회는 없습니다. 3세트부터 새로운 드라마를 써내려갈 수 있도록 응원해주세요. No more chances left. All we gotta do is win now for a new run. #T1WIN #T1Fighting