Don’t be mad at me. Be mad that your favorites weren’t even remotely close to being good enough. twitter.com/AEW/status/136…
A great #aew main event tonight! @riho_gtmv ‘s combination of technique, heart, and natural ability are unparalleled.Can she dethrone the DMD megastar @RealBrittBaker ?(No spoilers)
Excited now for the next barn burner between @SerenaDeeb and @shidahikaru in their ongoing feud
Finally watched back #AEWDynamite . My favorite part wasn’t further cementing my legacy as the greatest performer of all time. It was ensuring that Bryan left without a W and hobbled home looking like a lump of ground beef.
Keep sending your fan cam footage of your 0 pressure indies and you might just pull it off
I’d do the same for some EZ 5’s but I understand the difference between what an Arena/Dome/Budokan main event means compared to when you play with your mates a few blocks over at York Hall twitter.com/WillOspreay/st…
Daaaang! I didn’t even know about this!
Kenny and Cody reunite!
Turn the beat back. twitter.com/ShopAEW/status…
Since I was absent from #AEWDynamite , I wanted to show a rare match this week from my past. The only time I’ve ever wrestled against @MachineGunKA . Fun match, great memories. youtu.be/Fs8boJFRV1M
The 3 Musketeers...? Thanks @TVGuideMagazine
Still a member of the cast. Tough decision, no wrong answer. #WeDoIt twitter.com/youngbucks/sta…
Proud to be a member of the team. Better believe we’re gonna do a ton of cool stuff in the future. Can’t wait to show everyone! twitter.com/TeamRazer/stat…
One of my favorite collabs for Bullet Club twitter.com/njpw1972/statu…
Character limit prevents me from explaining how much @TigerHattoriNY helped the NJPW talent over the years.He wasn’t just a referee,liaison,and friend, he was one of the boys that had our backs until the bitter end. Enjoy your nights free of low blows,super kicks,and cold spray.
As seen on #BTE ep. 113, “The Will to Keep Winning” by, @daigothebeast was featured. Legends in any field usually have ideas that are applicable to real-world success and Daigo’s are no exception. A small excerpt that I particularly enjoy:
I'm lovin' the team aspect of #ApexLegends ... #PS4share
I rarely speak outside of shows or use social media but I’ll open the floodgates and answer some non-troll questions for the next 20 minutes or so. If there’s something you were curious about, have at it. Please be polite and/or kind or you’ll be promptly blocked.
Stand by.
A lot changed on this day. For everyone involved. twitter.com/CiaranRH/statu…
If I’d won this match this would have been one of my favorites. I lost though, so, I don’t wanna talk about it. twitter.com/CiaranRH_/stat…
Meeting you alive and in person and hearing that I’ve helped was worth more than any title belt or wrestling accolade. Thank you for staying with us. The power was always within. twitter.com/BestBoutAlex/s…
Not denying the loss or anything, but we don’t need to revisit this. It was a one time thing. That’s it. twitter.com/PuroresuFlow/s…
People ask me at times, “what is it about the joshi that inspire you so much?”. Unique, fun, and passionate performances like these. Please watch if you haven’t already! It’s Free! twitter.com/AEW/status/114…
You mean it’s possible to have a difference of opinion without the use of slander, slurs, false accusations, and/or encouraging (all forms of) harm on the performer?
There’s a reason why Tana is so respected amongst fans,media,and his peers
Food for thought. twitter.com/t_to_k0926_Rin…
A bit of a read, but I enjoyed this interview. twitter.com/CBCArts/status…
There is a birthday today. There is also training. I’m looking forward to enjoying both! #GoldenLovers
Sometimes I wonder if opera purists were furious when Queen released Bohemian Rhapsody.
Or maybe the rock purists were mad and hoped they only played that song on smaller live shows…? Call me crazy but I’m siding with Queen on this one.