Name a time and a place, Creed! (when you aren’t being a shill for every game that’s ever released just to bump your sub numbers.) twitter.com/xavierwoodsphd…
Just when I thought half my move set was in peril. I think I might like these guys already. twitter.com/DaxFTR/status/…
This is what happens when you’re proud to be a beta, a follower, and member of a “cult”. You’ll believe anything that fits your desired narrative and publicly look like a f***ing fool for it. (BTW, never once been to OVW. Never been kicked out of any promotion. Try again) twitter.com/Dazz_Unusual/s…
I’m at a true loss for words. Incredible story. Proud to be a part of something that has had a positive impact on lives. #changetheworld twitter.com/ColtCabana/sta…
I look like I mostly got the crap beat out of me in this one… well, it’s the result that counts! twitter.com/CiaranRH_/stat…
@davemeltzerWON The weather was on our payroll
The original/first version of Croyt’s Wrath twitter.com/vintagepuro/st…
This #AEWWomensTournament is incredible. A proper finals any day of the week, @SerenaDeeb vs @riho_gtmv was technical wrestling at its finest.
I understand not many will understand this tweet, but it must be said... I just beat #DeadCells back to back to back so my focus is on another level. I’m not so worried about Ishii anymore. Or is Ishii “Nightmare mode”....? Anyway, on to #TheMessenger !
3000m record holder,Hockey MVP w/full scholarship,Provincial Basketball Champion (leader in assists and steals),National level Beach Volleyball,Jiujitsu gold medalist (gi +no gi,multiple weight classes)
It’s no fluke that my energy and explosiveness are unmatched.Pass it along. twitter.com/Miggy33Miguel/…
Greetings boils and ghouls. Join us tomorrow from 11-2pm at #E32019 to play some #SFV for @OMENbyHP #OMENxEspn !
Why’d they put a #AEWDynamite on my special day? That’s some dirty pool there, fellas…
The best part about #AgainstAllOdds being held at Daily’s Place was that as soon as the match was over, my friends and family were right there to celebrate with me.
Don’t forget that he’s also a bitch. twitter.com/TheDonCallis/s…
This is barely wrestling related but... There is perhaps no scarier situation than getting down to the final 1v1 situation in #BlackOps4 #blackout when you know you’re not actually that good at shooters but winning is everything.
It’s gotta be another Kenny Omega... right?! twitter.com/Twinfsu/status…
Losing to the second greatest athlete in AEW isn’t anything to be ashamed of. I wouldn’t bet on it happening again, though. twitter.com/AEW/status/142…
I choose to associate today with this moment. twitter.com/CiaranRH_/stat…
So much fun they put it on YouTube twice! twitter.com/CiaranRH_/stat…
A long, long read but I’m very glad this goes into such depth. The more time that goes by, the more I (unintentionally) forget some of the very important things from my past. twitter.com/MonthlyPurores…
Wait, you mean to tell me I was snubbed again this year? Geez Louise, what’s a guy gotta do around here?
Not quite time for next gen yet. Thanks to the folks at @SEGA for bringing me back to Kamurocho.
Watching this made me a bit emotional. An incredibly profound look at my performances beyond just the moves that happen in the ring. twitter.com/codenamedeb/st…
Greeting fellow #BTE viewers! Starting next week, we’re going to add a new segment to our show! The BTE Mailbag! Tweet #BTEMailbag with a question to our cast and we may answer your question on the show! Have fun, be creative, and maybe see your question on the next episode!