Despe getting a high position in this vote speaks to fan perception of weight divisions, factions, characters, and results for those living in Japan.
He gave his best effort consistently and now the fans are recognizing what he showed me long ago. twitter.com/t_to_k0926_Rin…
Never tried to play because I wasn’t interested in the building aspect. This is my first game ever and clearly, I had a blast. Solo duo Dub, baby! Thanks for the memories, @FortniteGame
You’d think the most frustrating part would be that I have to work this hard just to even approach his level. But actually, I don’t mind. Natural ability stopped working for me once I left Winnipeg. I’m used to this. twitter.com/retro404/statu…
Hey guys, the folks at Capcom have trusted me to deliver some exciting @StreetFighter V announcements! Tune in August 5,10am PDT for the #SFVSummerUpdate, which will include news from yours truly on Season 5 characters,apparel and more. Don’t miss it!
👊 twitch.tv/capcomfighters
Good luck in the future! Thanks for everything. 👋 twitter.com/maki_itoh/stat…
Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present to you your true ratings war champion. Get mad, tag Tony, tag TNT, tag me - the numbers don’t lie. 🙂 @MichaelNakazawa
We made it. The final 3 days at Budokan. We’re both in a must win situation. I wish there were some other way but sometimes there just isn’t... #g128
Gorgeous work! twitter.com/akStarCarrot/s…
Happy 'Like a Dragon: Ishin!' launch day!
Don't forget you can download me as a free DLC trooper card in the game, and let me know how you like it!
Thank you @RGGStudio @SEGA.
One of the freakiest athletes to ever do it. JCVD and RVD were the two sole reasons I worked on my flexibility as a teen. Helped in hockey and probably saved my career in wrestling more times than I can count! Thanks, legend! twitter.com/TherealRVD/sta…
This guy always wrestled me like he wanted to kill me. I was gonna pay it back on Impact. He’s lucky. twitter.com/CiaranRH/statu…
Last minute stage fright. Hope to be live in 30 minutes @AEWGames !
This was the original “you can’t escape” sequence. twitter.com/PuroresuFlow/s…
Once a year, (sometimes twice), Creed and I are able to miraculously withstand each other long enough to complete a project together. I present our top 10 games of the year list. twitter.com/AustinCreedWin…
Too much experience cost him. I never took time off since then. He did. The gap has widened. twitter.com/CiaranRH_/stat…
A little nervous, but it’s almost time to let loose a little bit of info. twitter.com/MATTHARDYBRAND…
Another great day at #CEO2018 thanks to @SpikeChunsoft_e #FireProWrestling and incredible fan participation! Won yet another belt (That we will defend) but sadly had to say goodbye to @ibushi_kota and @MichaelNakazawa
The match I’m most looking forward to on #AEWAllOut twitter.com/AEWonTV/status…
I checked the win/loss record. He ain’t even close. Wins and losses count here, brah. twitter.com/AEWonTV/status…
Now that #E3 has come to a close my only regret is missing out on so many games/events.I did, however play the game I was most excited for, #ResidentEvil2Remake !This one’s worth the wait! (I may have also been the only person there to solve all puzzles and complete the demo😏)
3 years ago, another “greatest of all time” performance. I have many of these in various match variations. Which is your favorite? twitter.com/t_to_k0926_Rin…
Hanging out with some of the OG’s from #MK11 . Jax almost has bigger arms than @MattJackson13 😱 twitter.com/youngbucks/sta…
@davemeltzerWON Hard to believe, but yeah, some of the most talented wrestlers in the world aren’t constantly walking on eggshells and scared shitless of their boss.
Masato Yoshino inspired many of us in the current generation.During my younger years I always pushed myself to try and match the movement of the “Speed Star”.To those who’ve seen his stuff, understand that’s pretty much an impossibility.Thank you,Yoshino! お疲れ様でした! twitter.com/dragongate_pro…