Your title will be nothing more than another trophy to me.
I’ll feel nothing when I see you and the entire locker room crying.
This is what you chose for DDT and yourself. twitter.com/ddtpro/status/…
Watching this made me a bit emotional. An incredibly profound look at my performances beyond just the moves that happen in the ring. twitter.com/codenamedeb/st…
@XavierWoodsPhD @G4TV Promise to bring me on as a guest sometime and sure, I’ll vote for ya...
My first time hosting a seminar at a University. If something goes wrong I’ll just blame Nakazawa’s translation. twitter.com/MichaelNakazaw…
Hey guys, the folks at Capcom have trusted me to deliver some exciting @StreetFighter V announcements! Tune in August 5,10am PDT for the #SFVSummerUpdate, which will include news from yours truly on Season 5 characters,apparel and more. Don’t miss it!
👊 twitch.tv/capcomfighters
なんとカプコンから、ストリートファイターVの重大発表が私に任されました! 日本時間で8月6日、午前2時にアビゲイルぐらいにデカいニュースが発表予定!SFV開発チームからシーズンVのキャラクターやアパレル、esports関連の最新情報になります。お見逃しなく!
I hope that everyone holds their tag ropes and that there aren’t combination maneuvers. That would totally ruin a sports thingy match. twitter.com/AEW/status/128…
One of the most physical G1 matches I’ve ever been involved in. Spent 1h 45 minutes after the match at the local hospital getting my lip reconstructed. I’d post pictures, but that’s just gross. twitter.com/CiaranRH/statu…
Not gonna lie, I was shocked. Impressed, even. I still laughed though. A lot. Hope the trouble was worth what she’s paying you, Reba. 🥴 twitter.com/AEW/status/129…
Pretty excited to announce that I’ll be appearing on a brand new show tomorrow! I’ll be talking about all of the things I have a little bit of knowledge on. Games and wrestling. Hope to see you there!
Gonna be fighting against @LIRIK in the first ever @EASPORTSUFC Virtual Fight Card LIVE #PunchesVsPunchlines 🔥Let me know if you want it by sub or KO and I’ll put on a show.
📺 Tune in this Friday, August 14th at 7:30pm ET / 4:30pm PT on ESPN 2, UFC Twitch, and UFC YouTube"
Real cool story about this match that I’d love to tell one day. Long story short, it had much more effect on my NJPW career than some would think. Or know. Or think they know. twitter.com/CiaranRH/statu…
I needed knee surgery and had terrible vertigo since the Okada match the night before. Prayed to anyone willing to listen and somehow got through it. Very proud of this performance. Maybe the right man won. twitter.com/CiaranRH/statu…
I earned a new kind of respect for Goto after this match. He doesn’t usually get much credit. A motivated Goto can be as good as anyone. twitter.com/CiaranRH/statu…
Happy 25th anniversary @EmiSakura_gtmv twitter.com/ThatDamn_Chris…
I begged for the spot to main and I remember DDT saying,”it’s time.You’re the only ones that can do it”. After the performance, people had nice things to say, but it was when El Generico told me it was the best match he’d ever seen live was where I got emotional. twitter.com/CiaranRH/statu…
C'mon N' Ride it, (the train) - (yeah, the one that I thought was pointless in this game.) #codwarzone #PS4share
I was just trying to have a good time, I honestly didn’t think anyone would notice.
Might be going a bit too far... Things happened, but I tried my best to keep the dream alive. The artwork is very cool/very appreciated, though! twitter.com/SonjaRedDeWitt…
For whatever it’s worth, #DragonsDogmaNetflix is right up there with #Castlevania in quality. Can easily recommend. (That’s it. No wrestling stuff here. Please don’t make this about wrestling.)
One of the underrated benefits of wearing a mask in public is that no one knows when you’re mouthing the words to your favorite Muzak songs while in the gym/grocery store.
Don’s like family and always been around to share my greatest career highlights. That match was for sure one of them. twitter.com/TheDonCallis/s…
Thank you everyone. Looking forward to this Wednesday. twitter.com/AEW/status/131…