Wow, for free. That’s pretty darn cool! Check it out if you have time! twitter.com/njpwglobal/sta…
For all the fans that also follow the #AKB48 sousenkyo, I know It’s tough to select just one favorite member! Here’s why I’ve voted for @JURINA38G (English only, すみません💦) OK, time to focus 100% on #njdominion #GOJURINA twitter.com/bte_fanclub/st…
If by any chance someone could clip my comments towards Austin Creed (during the SFV stream) and put them up on twitter, I’d LOVE for him to see it. 😏. (I also had some great comments about Jurina and the sousenkyo that would be nice to tweet out 🙂) Thanks as always! 👍
We’re going live on twitch.tv/beingtheelite ! Big Daddy J, @jiyunaJP in the house as usual!
You’d think the most frustrating part would be that I have to work this hard just to even approach his level. But actually, I don’t mind. Natural ability stopped working for me once I left Winnipeg. I’m used to this. twitter.com/retro404/statu…
A dedicated fan of #njpw and a huge supporter of mine since watching her first pro wrestling event. At the upcoming general election, you have my vote. It’s our time to become champions. Let’s support @JURINA38G #GOJURINA #珠理奈と掴もう総選挙1位
A little something I worked on in secrecy. A proud moment to assume the role of my favorite SF fighter! Thanks to @CapcomFighters and all of the kind staff I met on set. You were all great. (Well, I never met the guy on the phone but I’m sure you’re swell) twitter.com/streetfighter/…
@TheJimCornette Jim, I warned you about this. I said you could use my name to continue making your living as long as you refrain from polluting my TL. Don’t force my hand.
Better to drink from the carton than the toilet, Creed. 😏 twitter.com/xavierwoodsphd…
There is a birthday today. There is also training. I’m looking forward to enjoying both! #GoldenLovers
How our English speaking fans can help @JURINA38G win the general election! 🙂 twitter.com/akb48_staff/st…
A very pro-wrestling inspired appeal from one of my greatest supporters. Let’s show Hollywood Jurina our support during the AKB48 general election! 💪 twitter.com/jurina38g/stat…
@akell0828 @monotonedmika @JacquieGlover @XavierWoodsPhD @m3m3z90 Oh, I’m the guy that everyone calls the best in the world. You know, the one that makes your favorites look like trash?
@JacquieGlover @XavierWoodsPhD @m3m3z90 Isn’t that the poster for their next PPV?
The legend that is Mike Ross and a time when Creed *somewhat* stood a chance. #memories twitter.com/_knineteen/sta…
You may have read about the “number” magazine special election from the wonderful, @chan_bbmachine . Now, our Wrestle Kingdom ambassador, Hollywood Jurina, shows her support! Thank you, and great choice 😎👉💥 twitter.com/jurina38g/stat…
Here’s how to attend! twitter.com/all_in_2018/st…
It’s been awhile since I’ve had a training partner. Plenty of sets, plenty of fun. Preparation continues... #njdominion #goldenlovers
I found a very private Game Center and #DANCERUSH_STARDOM has been added to my cardio line-up. Any fans of #DDR would love this game. #BEMANI
I guess we’re back. twitter.com/mattjackson13/…
Alex V2 (doesn’t work on crouching opponents) twitter.com/bulletclubital…
I have a little over a month to build the version of myself that can beat you. I understand the sacrifices and know what must be done, so now it’s time to train and never look back. #OmegaOkadaIV #NJDominion #NJPWDominion #NJPW
Did some work on my character in #FireProWorld and got a sneak peek at some exciting new additions... I might get in trouble for this but.....check it out! #GoldenLovers