It’s the dragon girls that you have to look out for, they’re pretty aggressive, take it from an expert dragon girl fighter
all demon boys/girls are actually angels when u think about it
hopcon this hopcon that how about u hopcon my nuts
@uki_violeta i miss you
to all my chinese friends xie xie ni men de zhi chi, wo ai ni
The VTuber community has been the most enjoyable community to be part of from all the communities I have been in, idk how yall so nice here
woke up missing a certain demon and a cyborg
Today has been the last stream before I leave for the states for the championship. Feeling kinda bittersweet right now but I will see you guys in 10 days when I'm back, until then, take care of yourselves and be well ❤️🖤 (will be posting a bunch of pics tho hehe)
KSON on VShojo, now that's a banger
According to Vox my name is rpp now "real penis plays" - Vox Akuma July 2022
Aight, time to peace out ✌️ ✈️ NA
We are in Raleigh covid negative about to fuck
Yeah I’m ready for champs
SCARZ #ApexLegends ALGS応援キャンペーン🎁 ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ALGS Championship Giveaway #4✨ 1 lucky winner will receive a signed SCARZ flag! 抽選で1名様にサイン入りSCARZフラッグをプレゼント <応募方法> Follow @SCARZ5 @SCARZ_ENG @rpr RT this tweet Deadline 締切:7/11
Covid negative, also positive for no bitches, time to game
First group stage matches we got 5th, could of been better but feeling good #SZWIN
4th in 2nd group stage which leaves us tied for 5th overall after day 1. The goal was 90-100 points today which we achieved so we are feeling good #SZWIN
Day 2 all negative for covid and ready to fuck some dudes
Real rough day today but we pull through to winner bracket, time to rest and farm tomorrow #SZWIN
A fake account impersonating me is going around spreading fake giveaways and stuff, please report them if you can…
If you’re at the venue this weekend please don’t approach us for pictures and signings until Sunday. We are trying to minimize the possibility of getting covid! So please leave it for Sunday! ❤️🖤
@PlayApexEsports Time to stop making excuses and start putting in work. The viewership and the support is here, stop cutting corners and deal with it properly.
I would of played like this but they didn’t let me have the hat on during games
That was probably the most competitive lobby ever in history of apex, we really threw the ball on SP tho