
In our latest #VRChat Developer Update, we talk about some improvements to our audio sliders, new Quest Hand Tracking features, Search UI polish, and more! Check it out here: ask.vrchat.com/t/developer-up…
You can take an early peek at Sword Art Online Synthesis -The Period of Alicization Project- right now! This test run will be open for a limited time. Visit at vrchat.com/home/world/wrl… #VRChat
Here's how VRChat looked waaay back in 2014!
This week's #VRChat Developer Update covers the brand new SDK 3.1.11 features, gives a preview of some upcoming changes to improve avatar loading, and more! Check it out here: ask.vrchat.com/t/developer-up…
We Met in Virtual Reality -- a documentary shot entirely in VRChat -- is having its UK premiere next week at Sundance London! Go check it out! Sundance London runs from June 9 - 12. Tickets can be bought here: bit.ly/3PzOjxW
In the second-to-last #VRChat Dev Update of the year, we talk about the Groups release, some VCC updates, a new community package in the VCC, and a preview of a new SDK feature coming next year! Check it out! ask.vrchat.com/t/developer-up…
Creators and hunters, #Spookality2021 submissions are now OPEN until October 22nd! Selected world entries will be periodically added to the new Spookality row throughout the jam! Join now at: itch.io/jam/vrchat-spo…
#ComicVket 2 is on right now! Explore a virtual Akiba in #VRChat, and browse comic samples from creators across the world! Meanwhile, #MusicVket 3 exhibits tracks from over 200 creators - gather your friends and find some bangers! comic.vket.com/v2 / music.vket.com/v3
Attention, Arks! Official 3D models of Matoi and Gene from Phantasy Star Online 2 are available at #Vket! v-market.work/sp/shop/pso2 vrchat.com/home/launch?wo…
One more post for the day, then I promise we're done! We've posted a new #VRChat Developer Update! In it, we go over the latest release, talk about AsyncGPUReadback (I just made a bunch of shader wizards very excited), a new Avatar Jam, and more! ask.vrchat.com/t/developer-up…
Announcing the theme for our first ever World Jam! Technical Theme: Drawing Tools Creative Theme: Where Do You Want to Travel? Example World Walkthrough: youtu.be/LHwmlU3ZZTc Full details on the official Jam Page: itch.io/jam/vrchat-ske… Hope to see you in the featured row!
ComicVket 0 starts at midnight PST tonight! Event is until 4/12. Browse dozens of previews of Japanese comics and interact with creators in this prelude to ComicVket 1 in August. #VRChat twitter.com/ComicVket/stat…
Notice regarding the recent #VRChat service interruption. Read more at medium.com/@vrchat/vrchat…
VR World NYC x Shelter present The World's First VR Portal night! Connecting NYC and the global VR club scene. Attend IRL at VR World NYC, or via VRChat at Shelter. May 7, 11PM EST eventbrite.com/e/vr-world-she… twitter.com/SHELTERVRCLUB/…
The #VRChat meetup at @AnimeExpo 2019 was even bigger this year! Thanks to all that showed! Special thanks to @Gama189_VR for organizing this community meet-up. We're looking forward to meeting the community again at future events!
We've been seeing a lot of rumors going around about passwords and account security. Let's start with the most important part: Thanks to our vigilant security team, we are not aware of any account or data breaches for VRChat.
Tomorrow these VRChat users will celebrate the 600th day in a row meeting together to exercise in VR. Wow! twitter.com/kleava/status/…
ATTENTION: Containment breach detected. Initiating protocol #Spookality2020 . . . Announcing the latest #VRChat Spookality event, the biggest annual VRChat creation contest! Learn more about Spookality 2020 in our latest blog post. medium.com/vrchat/vrchat-…
#VRChat 2018.1.1 is Live! New features include cameras, VRChat Home, High Rez Pictures & more. steamcommunity.com/games/vrchat/a…
Virtual Market 3 has been extended until September 28th at 7am PST. Find the worlds in the #VRChat menu under the Virtual Market 3 row. #vket twitter.com/Virtual_Market…