Eulyin Huan(@eulyin)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

[The Brightest Star] Eden of Honkai Impact 3rd, look how badly I fall for you (and your Elysia) ARGH— Maybe this is what they called went another mile for //insert fav chara(s) ?? 🥹
FINALLY drew Aponia & Eden on the same canvas/frame together XD Plus I love that the official gives more of a daily outfit to choose from~ In Additional their merch outfit are interesting too!
Ptreon Poll&Request result~ Thanks Ver for the request (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)! It ended up more than my initial plan (both the drawing quality and idea) X'DD Glad you like the result! Also, I hope the others are enjoying this happy KiaMei too!!! So, back to the initial idea, first I just-
Happy belated bday to my friend Ypj and to Fu Huaaaa!!! Made this one for Ypj but because of one or two, I can only post it today. And coincidentally with Fu Hua's birthday XD so Happy bday to you bothhh!!!
Currently they are the only pair I'm pretty confident to color more again because I already have their color palette (which I like too) Tho hmm sometimes I feel it's a bit too red 🤔 gonna do some trials again another time!
I... I don't think I can make it today, but suddenly(?) a random idea came at me &... tada? |ω´・;) (dunno why Raiden twins + Miko invaded my mind ∑(゚-゚)) Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day! Let's celebrate it with chocolates but with little gacha surprise inside? _( ื▿ ื 」 ∠)_
Did a color trial with a pretty flower I think suits Elysia very well~ I need to practice more to match the flower's beauty =͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞(⌯꒪̵꒫꒪̵)ง
[wip] I guess I can't help not drawing them aaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ohhh look what I found! Now I remember I have this and never publish it haha X'D Trying... Miko in Makoto's kimono! I refine it a bit so it looks better! Also it's almost a year old drawing oAo)! (dated March 2022)
[Coat Cuddle] P@treon January Poll & Request result~ Hnghhhhhhh ElyEdennnn aaa dkalsjfhkasdf Right... they are STILL so loyal keeping my mind akjsdhfkjsdf
Happy birthday Shenhe!!! Lemme bring up some art I've done featuring you~
[Beloved Hua] Elysia just loves her comrades so much. Or too much—(?) -- Finally swung my pen to draw this old idea into a comic!! (゚∀゚)
Probably this one...? (At least iirc it has the most traction so far) Tho whatever it is, they will always have a special place in my heart a... 🥹👐💕…
[Regular Cmmsn] a lot of thank you Sett~~~♥ quite interesting to work on an old franchise XD yes, Shizuru Fujino from Mai-Hime. Also Sett said it's fine if anyone wants to use this drawing (non-commercial use tho) so I made only lil watermark below. Enjoy~!
P@treon Feb Poll & Request result part 1~ I'm sorry(?) I might be a little biased with @/undead_ooze prompt 😂🫣 [Eden in a perfectly tailored 3-piece suit] So it's resulting not a simple doodle ∑(゚∀゚) //whisper// probably you know where the pose inspiration came from XD
Wanna try joining #VisibleWomen while still can here. Hi, I'm Eulyin 😊 I love storytelling drawing (and comic!) ♥ mostly do fanarts along with personal projects. Also occasionally open for commission☀️
(Blurring for Honkai content spoiler future patch) color trial I kind of like the result and also aaaaaaaaaa AAAAAA //holdfuturewallet plus slightly different hairstyle becauseeee
Thinking about faces, sudden not so suddenly it reminds me of these 4 women. They... they technically have the same faces, don't they hahaha X'DDD…
//joining the train The character and how you drew them. -- ksjdahfsda I should try again that coloring--…
[Raison D'être] I commissioned my friend to write about the Dendro Archons and AAAAAAAA one of the scenes just HIT me... and I can't help not drawing it... _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_ *More or less it's a canon divergence of nowadays Sumeru. They're at Akademiya!
P@treon Feb Poll & Request result part 2 Tried silly kind of doodles & I realized I really am not proficient in this kind of thing LOL 😂😂😂aaaaaaaaa😱 Nevertheless, let's do it again some other time~😆 so fun to do something different from time to time~ Anyway, enjoy 😆😆
Fanbook cover 🌹 for my Genshin comic +monochrome log 2020-2022! Technical speaking, I found it not a super satisfying end 🥲🥲 but I finished it nevertheless & worth days of the experiment! Btw please look forward to this book~ I’ll share the details in a week or two!
Still trying to grasp Himeko better, but this will be for now... (oh no I really am playing the game aaskjdfkjhsd and it's so so good so far...... noooo 🫥🥶) #honkaistarrail
Oh no I think I'm falling for this game for real asfjksahkfa 🥹🥹🥹 I want to try to color this but at the same time I'm still not confident enough so... this will be for now. (BRONYA COME HOME PLS)
I think I fall for Bronya HSR.... aklsjhdfkjd I never thought this would happen... (°Д°=°Д°) Also never thought I'll draw so quickly....... oh no... //looking at how deep I've fallen to HSR already _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_