ThomasRomain ロマン・トマ(@Thomasintokyo)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Notre recueil de dessins “Traits de Famille, le bestiaire fantastique d’un père et de ses fils” est en train d’être imprimé! On a hâte de l’avoir en mains! Il sort le 8 mars et est déjà dispo en précommande.
The Dragonquest movie was gorgeous. It’s sad lot of people didn’t enjoy it because of its controversial ending. I’m personally happy to see CG animated feature films produced in Japan that can reach this level of quality.
Father & Sons' Design Workshop 親子デザイン工房 ✍️🎨 No.71 - PLASMA SPIKER Original Design: son Illustration : dad
Tokyo based Russian artist @Kuvshinov_Ilya is designing the original characters of this Japanese movie produced by @ProductionIG More and more foreign artists are working in the anime industry👍…
The latest watercolor painting of Thierry Duval is incredible. Follow him on Instagram! ➡️thierryduvalaqua
Actually it took me some time because I didn’t like my first attempt. I threw it away and started again from scratch.
『親子デザイン工房 -父と息子で描く究極のファンタジー世界 -』が発売する際、サイン会イベントを行うことになりました!特製イラストカード3種セットをプレゼントします。 9月25日(火)の19時から。場所はBOOK1st新宿店。 お待ちしています! 詳細はこちら…
put some distance between me and bad management. A lot of people in the Japanese anime industry just lost common sense. Horrible conditions are becoming the norm. 3/3
I got to say. This trend of the movie industry taking all the successful Japanese anime and manga properties and applying realistic rendering on it is deeply uncreative and annoying. IMO.
French manga ➡️ Japanese anime🇫🇷🇯🇵🎉…
Oh. An accurate article about problems of anime production in Japan. 👍…
Si vous aimez ma chaîne YouTube… Vous pouvez nous soutenir sur Patreon pour qu'on continue les vidéos. Car je vais perdre les commentaires et probablement la monétisation de mes contenus (car contenu "for kids")! MERCI!!😊
Exactly 20 years ago. The student short film that started Code Lyoko project. I'm that old.😃…
Actually, I think nobody was aware of him doing all these hours (I think this was during the weekend). When he told the director that he worked so much, the director just laughed. I was very angry at that time. This and dozens other stories like that led me to 2/3
Shameless self-promotion😊
Today #YouTube changed his policy regarding content "made for kids", which will affect monetization and therefore will make video production more difficult to sustain. If you enjoy our artworks, you can support us here: Thank you very much!
親子デザイン工房2周年記念イラスト。全てのキャラは息子たちの原案から描いています。 ずっと応援してくれてありがとうございます!😘 今年もよろしくお願いします!
Les amis on est 4ème meilleure vente BD sur amazon France et le bouquin n'est même pas encore sorti. C'est incroyable! Pourvu que ça continue! On est en train de peaufiner le contenu là. Je crois que vous n'allez pas être décus. @Kurotweet #TraitsDeFamille
Traits de Famille vol.2 dispo en FRANCE! Voici quelques extraits:
Il parait que c’est Noël bientôt!😃😉
Dear game developers. Can you please stop creating games that need 60+ hours to be cleared? Didn’t finished Zelda, Persona 5, Dragon Quest 11. Didn’t even started Nier Automata. And now Monster Hunter World is here. How am I supposed to deal with that?😵