Thank you for the trust that you have given us thus far, ONCEs! 🙇‍♀️🙏🥺 We STRONGLY encourage ONCEs to vote on Fanunion's post throughout the AAA voting period as it is important for the rebates! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ We would greatly appreciate it if ONCEs could help us out with that! 🥺😭
[CHOEAEDOL VOTING] Cheer up ONCEs, Cheer up ONCEs! 🎶🎵 Let's have strength 💪 and continue to collect hearts! 🤗 With ONCEs' hard work and unity, we can win this award ONE MORE TIME! ☝️🥰 Note: No banner from Fanunion but please vote on the post! 🙇‍♀️…
私たちが目指すような結果にはらなかったかもしれませんが、とにかく頑張った自分を褒めてあげてください🥺私たちはONCEたちが頑張っていることを知っていますし、感謝しています! どうか気を落とさず、ハート集めを頑張っていきましょう!IT'S NOT OVER TILL IT'S OVER、終わるまで終わりじゃない💪
ONCEs! 😖 It may have not been the outcome that we aimed for, but do give yourself a pat in the back regardless! 🥺 We know that ONCEs worked hard and we are thankful for that! Let's not be disheartened and continue to work hard because IT'S NOT OVER TILL IT'S OVER, ONCEs! 💪
デイリーハートは午後11時00分までにTWICE 팬연합 (TWICEファンユニオン)の投稿だけに投票してください!(グループでも個人メンバーでも可) エバーハートは私たちの合図があるまで使用しないでくださいね!🙅‍♀️ また、午後11時30分直前に投票の指示をだす予定なので通知をオンにしておいて下さい!🌟
[CHOEAEDOL VOTING] Please use your DAILY HEARTS only on TWICE 팬연합 (Fanunion)'s post in group or member community by 11:00PM KST! Do NOT use EVER HEARTS until otherwise instructed by us! 🙅‍♀️ TURN ON TWEET NOTIFS FOR MASS VOTING BEFORE 11.30PM KST🌟
🎵🎶 Hot, Hot-hot, ooh ooh~ 🎶🎵 午後8時からは最愛ドルのHOTタイムです!アプリを開いてHOTタイムのボーナスを受け取ってください!🔥 ファンユニオンの投稿に投票することも忘れないでください! デイリーハートのみ使ってエバーハートは私たちの指示があるまで使わないでくださいね!
🎵🎶 Hot, hot-hot, ooh ooh~ 🎶🎵 HOT TIME just started at 8PM (KST). Please go into the app to receive your 🔥 HOT 🔥 reward! Remember to vote your DAILY hearts on Fanunion's posts! 🙇‍♀️🙏🥺 Do NOT use your EVER hearts unless otherwise instructed! 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️
🤟 'Cause I need you~🎶 For us to win the AAA Popularity Award for TWICE, we need all the help that we can get, ONCEs! Let's work hard in collecting hearts by watching ads, opening heart boxes and completing missions! 💪 Also, gently encourage other ONCEs to vote as well! 🥰
🎶 Yeah yeah, it's a good day~ Hey! Wake Up! 🎶 ONCEs! 🍭 It's time to wake up ⏰ and start collecting hearts by 🎥 watching ads, opening heart boxes 🎁 and completing missions 🎮! Also, remember to send hearts to other ONCEs and receive the hearts sent by them! 💌
Please help us to fix the banner by using only your DAILY hearts, ONCEs! 🥺👉👈…
Because there's nothing stopping us~🎶 私たちは3勝目を死守できました!ONCE!おめでとう!! 🥳 ハートを熱心に集めることはもちろん、私たちの団結力は誰 にも止められません! 🤗 賞を確実にするまでこれを続けていきましょう! 🥰
[CHOEAEDOL VOTING] Here are the links to today's posts! Please vote on each banner according to the order of links (from top to bottom, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd)………
We would also like to thank ONCEs for continuing to trust us! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ Please remember to ONLY vote your DAILY hearts on Fanunion's posts! 🙇‍♀️🙏🥺 And, do NOT use your EVER hearts unless otherwise instructed! 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️
Because there's nothing stopping us~🎶 We have secured our third win! Congratulations, ONCEs! 🥳 The amount of hard work that ONCEs put in to collect hearts as well as the unity that the fandom has made us UNSTOPPABLE! 🤗 Let's keep it up till we secure the award for TWICE! 🥰
デイリーハートは午後11時00分までにTWICE 팬연합 (TWICEファンユニオン)の投稿だけに投票してください!(グループでも個人メンバーでも可) エバーハートは私たちの合図があるまで使用しないでくださいね!🙅‍♀️ また、午後11時30分直前に投票の指示をだす予定なので通知をオンにしておいて下さい!🌟
[CHOEAEDOL VOTING] Please use your DAILY HEARTS only on TWICE 팬연합 (Fanunion)'s post in group or member community by 11:00PM KST! Do NOT use EVER HEARTS until otherwise instructed by us! 🙅‍♀️ TURN ON TWEET NOTIFS FOR MASS VOTING BEFORE 11.30PM KST🌟
🎵🎶 Hot, Hot-hot, ooh ooh~ 🎶🎵 午後8時からは最愛ドルのHOTタイムです!アプリを開いてHOTタイムのボーナスを受け取ってください!🔥 ファンユニオンの投稿に投票することも忘れないでください! デイリーハートのみ使ってエバーハートは私たちの指示があるまで使わないでくださいね!
🎵🎶 Hot, hot-hot, ooh ooh~ 🎶🎵 HOT TIME just started at 8PM (KST). Please go into the app to receive your 🔥 HOT 🔥 reward! Remember to vote your DAILY hearts on Fanunion's posts! 🙇‍♀️🙏🥺 Do NOT use your EVER hearts unless otherwise instructed! 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️
If you are not aware, Fanunion has posted in every individual TWICE member's community. You may vote for the individual members, if you would like, but please continue to vote on Fanunion's posts! 🙇‍♀️🙏🥺…
ONCEs would be elated if we F. A. S. T. F. O. R. W. A. R. D~🎶🎵 to tonight, or the end of the voting period, and see that TWICE has won! 🥳 For that to come true, we need ONCEs 🍭 to diligently collect hearts and only vote your DAILY HEARTS on Fanunion's posts for now! 🙇‍♀️♥️
Please do NOT use your EVER hearts unless otherwise instructed! 🙅‍♀️🙇‍♀️ エバーハートは私たちの合図があるまで使用しないでくださいね!🙅‍♀️🙇‍♀️
[CHOEAEDOL VOTING] Hey, ONCEs~ 🎶 I'm gonna make this simple for you! You got two choices - will you vote on Fanunion's posts? 🥰 Yes or Yes? (If it's a YES 😉, find the link to the posts below and vote on those posts!) Note: No banner from us today!…
🎉 I feel happy, happy, happy~ 🎶 おめでとうONCE!2勝目ですよ! 🥳 今日勝てたのもONCE達が頑張ってくれたからです 🍭 TWICEのためにもっともっと勝てるようにハートを集めて頑張っていきましょう! 🥰