RavenharT🗿 Commissions closed(@AdrianRavenhart)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Girimehkala and Mara reliving the good ol days. Maybe not a good idea #SMTV
#tomoegozen fanart commissioned by Mich I'm not into #FGO but the fans will recognise those swords in the background, hoho
Day 22nd and 23rd of #oddtober Headless girl and Jiangshi
rkgk Nuwa the goddess of fee- i mean creation. #SMTV
ln celebration of Shin Megami Tensei V release day~ (yesiknowi'mlate) #SMT5
Here's another fanart #13sentinelsaegisrim , this time of Yuki Takamiya! I've finished the game yet i still keep thinking about it. One of the best game narratives in years. Thank you @NicoB7700 for every playthru of this masterpiece. Always look forward to your reactions!
Quickie Aiba fanart coz i just got into the series #AITSF #aithesomniumfiles