Introducing "Nyangasaki", a new Love Live! story! It's set at Nijigasaki High School, and follows the story of a lovable cast of cats. Bask in the Nyangasaki life as they stroll, nap, and shine in their own way.
It's a story woven together by everynyan—the search for "TOKIMEKI". twitter.com/LoveLive_staff…
Short video introducing the Nyangasaki cats: youtube.com/watch?v=qUvdH-…
Ayumyan: Birman
Kasumyan: Munchkin cat
Shizunyan: Calico cat
Karinyan: Russian Blue
Ainyan: Bengal
Kanyata: Persian cat
Setsunya: American Shorthair
Emmya: Maine Coon
Rinya: Egyptian Mau
Shionyan: Siamese cat
April 3: It's the birthday of Shizuku Osaka, 1st year of NijiGaku.
Happy Birthday Shizuku!
[Aqours] The preview for You's solo album is up, including her new solo song "Totsuzen GIRL"! ⚓️
Look forward to its release on Apr 17~
[Liella!] The key visual for the "Love Live! Superstar!!" anime has been revealed!
We're excited to see the anime when it starts airing in July~ 💫 twitter.com/LoveLive_staff…
[Aqours] People from all around Uchiura, the town where Aqours is from, did a dance cover of "JIMO-AI Dash!" for Aqours' 5th anniversary and people starting a new phase in their lives!
It's a wonderful display of love from Aqours' hometown—truly Jimo-Ai 💖 twitter.com/yasudayaryokan…
[Aqours] Ruby's solo song "Cotton Candy Ei-Ei-Oh!" has reached 3 million views over on YouTube as of 12:20JST!
It's now the 7th of April in Japan which celebrates the release of #Liella's 1st single - Hajimari wa Kimi no Sora!
You can listen to it (when it's the 7th in your timezone) below:
Apple: music.apple.com/au/album/15607…
Spotify: open.spotify.com/album/2VSJLU9Q…
YT: music.youtube.com/playlist?list=…
[Liella!] A bit of trivia: The opening shot in the "Hajimari wa Kimi no Sora" music video shows the Shibuya ward of Tokyo from above.
It's drawn from the viewpoint of Shibuya Sky, the tallest point in Shibuya—here's a photo at the same angle from Shibuya Sky last night! 🌃 twitter.com/shibuya_sky/st…
Today, April 15th, marks the 8th anniversary of the Love Live! School Idol Festival mobile game 🎉
It's been a major player in both the Love Live! franchise and mobile game universe. Here's to more years to come!
#スクフェス8周年 twitter.com/lovelive_SIF/s…
April 17: It's the birthday of You Watanabe, energetic aspiring ship captain of Aqours.
Happy Birthday You!
April 17: It's the birthday of Mayu Sagara, voice actress for Kasumi of NijiGaku.
Happy Birthday Mayuchi!
[NijiGaku] Report on Tomori's health:
Due to a physical condition, the muscles around her joints are prone to pain & numbness when doing strenuous physical activity, like dancing.
Her solo activities will continue, and staff will proceed with the utmost caution going forward. twitter.com/tomori_kusunok…
April 19: It's the birthday of Maki Nishikino, composer and tsundere tomato of µ's.
Happy Birthday Maki!
April 25: It's the birthday of Kaori Maeda, voice actress for Shizuku of NijiGaku.
Happy Birthday Kaorin!
[Aqours] Aqours 5th Anniversary LoveLive! has been postponed, with the new date yet to be determined, due to the state of emergency in Japan.
Existing tickets will be valid for the rescheduled performance; details will be announced later. twitter.com/LoveLive_staff…
May 1st: It's the birthday of Liella's Shibuya Kanon!
HBD Kanon!
May 2: It's the birthday of Pile, voice actress for Maki of µ's.
Happy Birthday Pile!
May 2: It's the birthday of Aguri Onishi, voice actress for Ayumu of NijiGaku.
Happy Birthday Agupon!