Alex “Ramichan”Ramirez(@Ramichan3)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Thanks to all of you for remembering Ramichan's Birthday!! Vamos Vamos!!
Great Memories! Mr, ken Shimura will always be in our heart!
I support this performance! I do not see anything wrong about it! No matter wa @BauerOutage is trying to Connect with the fans and that is appreciated it ! But now understand that the hitters after hitting a home run also do performance!! Yorokonde-Gets!!…
Thank you so much for all the wonderful opportunity to be not only a player but also Kantoku for 5 years, Your support made me once more a Dream come true for my carrier and I appreciate you all!! Thank you DeNA Baystars and all the amazing fans! Honto ni Arigato gozaimashita!!…
From Today new line stamps 😀👍🏼
Another Beautiful day at the place where age doesn’t matter! feeling great lots of fun with the family and more videos on the way!! Tokyo Disney sea
T--------- we miss you here in Japan!
Yokohama DeNA Baystars no fan no Mina-San omedeto gozaimasu! Vamos
Hello everyone! Thank you so much for all the support this year! Next year CL champion mezashite ganbarimasho! Vamos!!!
Good morning everyone! Thank you so much for watching #ramichanfamily this morning on live television #24時間テレビ we hope you guys enjoyed it!! #おつかれさまです#staypositive #loveoneanother❤️
What an amazing player Sano-san has become! I hope to see him achieve 1000-1500-2000 hits in NPB , Ganbate ne!!
Getting ready for my YouTube channel! Coming soon stay tune! Make sure to subscribe ne!!
Hello everyone! This article isn’t m truth about me becoming aVenezuelan WBC team Coach. I just wanted to clarify that thank you guys!! Yorokonde Gets!! Take a look at my BBQ post on my Instagram 😋この記事にあるようなWBCベネズエラチームでのコーチの予定はありません。…
Maikyukai event in Fukuoka!
Just relaxing at home! Thanks to all of my fans for all the support during my career as baseball player and Kantoku (manager) I’m looking forward to to showing you through my new YouTube channel many great topics so stay tune it’s coming soon! Yorokonde! Get’s!!
Having a good time with my good friend T-plash
Getting ready for next season already!! Issho ni ganbarimasho!!
We had a great dinner tonight, All my couching staff! Getting ready for the season! Issho ni ganbarimasho! Vamos!!