
#TaiseiMiyakawa on #YuzuruHanyu via twitcasting: Meeting Yuzu-kun changed my sense of values &the way I think about things in a positive way...As I told Yuzu-kun, I am really glad2have met him. I've received a lot of power from him. He really is an amazing person. #みやゆづ 1/5
テッドバートン:あれ(あの動き)は、興味深かった。 マークハンレッティ:そうでしょう、クールでしょう? T:とてもクールだ。 M:プログラムの振り付けや構成に、いろいろな違う動きのパターンを取り入れたりして、とてもいいアスリートだと思います。 彼女は、偉大な #羽生結弦選手 にインスパイア 1/7 twitter.com/kuyashii_desu/…
なんと素敵なサプライズでしょう、私達のスロバキアの国営テレビでも、メインな夕方のスポーツニュースで、ゆづがプロに転向する決断をしたことを短く報じたのです。 #羽生結弦選手が今日も元気で幸せでありますように twitter.com/moni135531/sta…
Hanyu-san’s class of virtue shows when on pre-rotated jumps, he never criticizes those who can't jump without doing so, nor says getting high scores for it is cheating, but only says "I don't jump this way. twitter.com/cai_yzp/status…
Q From now, won't you miss the nervous tension of competition? #YuzuruHanyu Absolutely not. In fact, I might make you even more nervous. That is how much I would like 2give all my physical strength, and all my nerves 2each & every performance, 2do my best. #羽生結弦記者会見 twitter.com/SportsHochi/st…
#YuzuruHanyu on #FaOI It's a place where I belong, or something like, 0:02 an ice show that has that much very special feel. 0:06 I very much think, that this is only unique to "Fantasy on Ice" 0:09 I stumbled over my words a lot (lol). 0:12 It's hard! Embarrassing! 1/4 twitter.com/MIZUHARU9/stat…
...The announcer said when saw the caption"Retired"over footages of the press conf,"It’s not retiring! Retract this right away! It's a statement of determination to continue to fight." immediately&passionately corrected it,&I was so glad thinking Hanyu-san’s message is conveyed😭 twitter.com/saki_bg52/stat…
#YuzuruHanyu The figure skating I..still do like now,is the skating of the era I myself admired..it was such a performance that you can feel something, more&more from your heart.I would like2continue2perform in such a way that ppl would feel that they want2see my performance. 1/2 twitter.com/SportsHochi/st…
Currently, #FaOI名古屋 is trending in the United States, in the Sports Category. How is it in your country? I greatly appreciate if you would let me know if FaOI or Yuzuru Hanyu or anything related to the event, is trending in your country!
こちら(エルサルバドル)ではフィギュアスケートを知っている人がいないので、記事等の印刷物はおろか、地元メディアのフィギュアスケートに関するニュースも見たことがありません😭 なので、この小さな記事は凄く大きく感じられ、スポーツフィギュアのゆづの大きさがよくわかります🥺 2/3
Direct interview w/#YuzuruHanyu. Yumiko Udô asks what the future holds for Yuzuru Hanyu as a professional athlete news zero,NTV 7/19/22 -Don't want to use the word 'retired' -Why he decided to leave the competition (1st 2 minutes of 12 minutes interview.) youtube.com/watch?v=tcFacn…
From TV Tokyo, "Sports for All" Narration Hanyu-san gave us a very special opportunity. 0:08 He accepted our invitation for an exclusive interview. #YuzuruHanyu 0:13 It's like before the competition. 0:16 Like before Olympics. Narration 0:20 We were amazed by his words. 1/7 twitter.com/yzkyun_4A_mami…
Q What do the Olympics mean to Hanyu-senshu? #YuzuruHanyu Olympics...for me, it is proof that I am alive. It is also proof that I have worked hard together with all of you, and it is a foundation for me to work hard in the future. twitter.com/SportsHochi/st…