Practice ~ Try the new way to paint~ Looking soo cool~XD
終於關窗了!! "聚魔町的秘密情事" 將於2/1,2/2的FF35發售啦~~!!! Day1 2/1-H35 Day2 2/2-H10 請多指教!WWW
WIP 名稱暫定《聚魔町的秘密情事》
WIP~ And no,this is not Ring Fit Adventure~囧
新刊繪製中~ WIP
2020 Happy New Year~ Hope all the wishes will come truth~^^
OC in #ttrpg #pathfinder Karel.Gwyndolin Race:Half-Elves Class:Bloodrager—Draconic(Sliver) Alignment: Chaotic good The muscle for the elves is too strong But it’s ok with the half-elves⋯⋯⋯I suppose~XD
Tiger milk bath~ WWWWW I have no idea~XD
~ダゴン~ NSFW There can be a lot of fun with those sticky tentacles~ ~*WW*~ #NSFW #放サモ
クランプス Even is not Halloween today~囧 But the idea still there~so..... well~looking hot~WWW #放サモ
サナト・クマラ =www= #放サモ
Commission~ I have no idea what the background is~ But looking badass~XD" design by @Skarltano
My OC in DND Suriyel.Ludwig Race:Tiefling Class:Cleric-Grave Domain Alignment:Lawful Neutral Even his STR 14 and CON14~ But the muscle liook like 18~XD” BTW,I never realized that tail is the cutest thing ever until I add on him~www #dnd #tiefling #DnDcharacter
I have no idea what I draw~XD" But looking hot~WWW
[Commission] Back to Taiwan~ Time for take care of the commission~ =WW=
オピオーン Ophion ^_−☆ #放サモ #オピオーン #Ophion —————————————— 9/22 関西けもケット8 け-30 ランドの羊皮紙 See you there~^^
関西けもケット8 ランドの羊皮紙【け-30】 新刊! 《放課後童話 ACT.2 シンデレラ》 部分の見本~ #関西けもケット8
チェルノボーグ Chernobog Pick one? \^q^/ #放サモ #東京放課後サモナーズ
Commission Art~ ~^ww^~
WIP Try the different way to painting the muscle ~
FF34新刊! FairyTale of AfterSchool ACT.2-Cinderella
オピオーン ~立牌SAMPLE~ #放サモ #TokyoAfterSchoolSummoners
Character of TRPG COC(CALL of CTHULHU) for my Keeper add a little my "personal favor" XDD~